I was out Estate Sale-ing
this weekend with Mr. Beaux.
He likes to go with me
sometimes to hang out.
So, we were in this house
where a floral designer
lived and I was upstairs mulling
over some mirrored candle stands
and he texts me from the basement.
He had spotted this silver tea set.
He knew that I had been trying
to find one at a reasonable
price for a long time.
Since Saturday was half off day,
it was quite a bargain.
It's a FB Rogers 1883 Silver-plated
set with all of the markings.
It was probably made sometime after the 1940's.
It's not that the value is that great,
it was the fact that I wanted a silver tea set
for decorative reasons.
I polished it up over the weekend.
I polished while I talked to Mr. Beaux,
I polished while I talked to my middle son,
I polished when my oldest son came to pick up his dog...
I polished while I watched a movie on pay per view.
A lot of polishing to get this shine back!
But look how pretty is is now.
I love all of the detail in the handles
and the top of the lids.
Not bad for $42.00!
I like having pretty silver out
knowing that I didn't pay a fortune for it.
All of my silver,
in fact came from Estate Sales,
usually for just a few dollars a piece.
Here is some of my pieces in the laundry room.
More silver in the open shelving.
Silver used as a towel holder
in the guest room bath.
So get out your silver
and find some fun ways to display it!
Until Next Time,
Beaux R'eves,

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I just started following your blog and I saw "Silver"! Yay! A girl after my own heart. I have two tea sets that are in bad need of polishing. What do you use? I know it's time consuming but totally worth it. Your pieces are beautiful, I love how you made them part of your bath holding the towels!
Thanks for the inspiration, Cindy!
Your silver was a awesome find. I love how you display your pieces.
Wow, Cindy, what an amazing find! The tea service is gorgeous! Of course, you always find the best pieces! And good looking out by Mr. Beaux! You make a great tag team!
Very pretty!!!
Luv the beautiful way you display your silver. I have 2 silver tea sets. One pretty much identical to yours given to me by my daddy some 17byearsvago, and another ,ma smaller one , I got at an estate sale about 10 years ago. As with all my silver pieces, they are left to tarnish. Here in humid Florida, it is a loosing battle to keep them polished.
Luv all your shiny ones though. Little jealous.
Hugs, Gee
Lovely silver and a great price! Shined up really nicely!
What a gorgeous tea set you found and it has great details. You have a great collection!!
Nice score on your beautiful tea set...
You got a fabulous deal Cindy. It looks beautiful.
WOW..that's a ton of polishing and it's gorgeous..I got rid of most of my silver sometime ago.
The silver set is gorgeous!!! What a great price. I love half off deals.
What a great find. All my silver is form estate sales and garage sales too.
Congrats on this wonderful find, you did a great job bringing this beautiful shine back ( I am sure your hands were numb) I love to use silver during the holidays so I am always in the hut for new pieces.
It'll help to buy a few yards of Pacific Cloth from the fabric store. Use it to wrap up the silver you are keeping shut away, or make zip bags of it. One bag can hold a passel of silverware and napkin rings. I gave away all my wedding silver from so many many years ago, but am now collecting more. Just can't stand to not be doing something, can I? even if it is polishing stuff I never use. Is this place of mine a museum, or what??????
Great price, especially since it cleaned up so well!
You are a girl after my own heart! LOVE LOVE silver and I even like to polish it. What a great tea set you found and an awesome price. Love the way you displayed to silver trays in your guest bath!
Wow, what an incredible find!! Its gorgeous! I look forward to seeing you at My Dream Canvas. I just found something pretty at an antique store as well :)
Cindy, glad you scored this pretty tea set. I like the way you used the silver trays as a towel holder. Great idea!
Only YOU would have silver in the laundry room and bathroom! I LOVE YOU!!! A woman after my own heart without a doubt! Fancy, fancy, fancy!
Isn't texting a wonderment? It took me YEARS to get on board with it (I've only been texting for a year and one week now), and I have found it really does have a usefulness in this world. For your husband to be able to quickly and effectively communicate with you without leaving the potential purchase unattended (or having to lug it up stairs!) is fantastic!
I applaud you for putting in the time necessary to get it all shined up to tip-top shape. It looks beautiful, and you'll be able to enjoy it for years and years to come.
I still need to get into the hang of regularly attending estate sales. You always come up with the greatest stuff!!!
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