Happy Wednesday!
The week is just flying by...
Over the weekend we did a TON
of yard work in the backyard.
I woke up on Tuesday
with a mild case of Poison Oak.
I know it was Poison Oak
and NOT Poison Ivy
because I always break out
in small little bumps with Poison Oak
and a terrible blistering rash with Poison Ivy.
So far it isn't bothering me too much,
so thank goodness for that,
because I like being outside working in the yard.
I always seem to have better luck
with the plants Outdoors
than I do with the ones
I have Indoors!
I recently bought two ivy plants
(thank goodness not the poison kind)
for the Living room and Dining Room.
I love real flowers and plants in my home.
Ivy is relatively easy to keep alive.
I just have to remember to water it...
I had a beautiful ivy plant last year
in the kitchen that I had kept alive
for quite a while.
I went out of town and asked the kids
to water the plants...
I came home and it was
as dead as a doornail.
I asked them why they didn't water it...
They said that it looked so real
that it must have been FAKE!
I can't win!
I am hoping to have better luck
with them this year.
Yes, the kids AND the plants!
So, here is my question
for all of you out there reading this...
I buy an orchid every year
and they are always so pretty
and the flowers last a long time.
I had read that putting 2-3 ice cubes,
like in the photo,
each week is the best way to water them.
After doing some Google research
it turns out that may not be the case.
Do you have any advice for me?
I always seem to end up throwing
them away after a time...
I just figured that I am terrible
at taking care of plants...
Good thing I ordered this ^^^
when it came around on
Decor Steals last month!
Let me know in the comments
what your experience has been
with the "Ice" method...
Until Next Time,
Beaux R'eves,

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Shame on your kids. I killed my one orchid and I used the ice cube method that I was told to do.
I use the ice cube method, 2 or 3 once per week, depending on the size of your orchid. Mine have really done well with that. They will lose all their flowers after a few months - but dont make the mistake that I did and assume they are dead ! They're not ! Keep doing the ice cubes weekly, and you will see that they will continue to grow and make new leaves, and eventually, and it may take a while (Like a year even) they will sprout new flowers ! don't give up ! They also don't like direct light - put them on a table near a window, but not so they get direct sun. Good Luck !
A friend of mine gave me an orchid for Christmas one year. I had no luck with it. I loved the flowers, but once they died. The plant went downhill. I like real plants in my house too. I love orchids. But, that is one plant that I don't mind being fake. To much trouble. I like plants that you water and that's it. Good luck!!!
I have been told and had success with using 2-3 ice cubes equivalent of water, and then to only water from the roots. They will also lose their flower, and re-bloom in a year or so. Good luck! Love your blog by the way! All the way from ID.
I have grown orchids for years and have never used the ice cube method of watering. I suspect that more orchids are killed by over watering than by any thing! I water my orchids a very small amount no more than one time per week. They must have good drainage as they do not like wet feet. Standing water will cause the roots to rot. It is great if you take them to the sink and water until the water runs out the drainage holes in the bottom. As another reader commented, they prefer bright light but not direct sunlight. After the blooms fall off treat it the same and in about 6 months another set of blooms should appear. I rarely repot them. I have had some orchids for 20 years in the same pot. Orchids seem to prefer neglect more than too much attention.
Never heard of the ice cube method. I water mine over the kitchen sink with lukewarm water that has sat out for awhile in a watering can. Pour from the top till it runs out the bottom and when it stops put plant back in decorative planter. Mine always bloom in the Spring, the blooms last a long time, I support the blooms with a spring clip on a stick. When done blooming cut the stem down. Mine only bloom once a year, sometimes they skip a year, don't know why!!! They thrive on neglect!!!
Don't overwater..Keep cool
Orchids are tough..No ice Brrr...I used to mist the soil twice a week..If you have a bathroom window or kitchen sink window..They love the humidity...Good luck
Thank you for this post and the responses. I have also tried the ice cube method and have failed each time! Right now I am never happy when someone comes to the house with a gift of an orchid! The gift-givers don't know that, but I always wonder how long I can keep the beautiful blooms alive! I will try the offered suggestions. Rosie @ The Magic Hutch
Hi Cindy. I was given my first orchid with beautiful purple flowers by my granddaughter for last year's birthday. It
bloomed for a long time. I watered it over the sink once a week, making sure all the roots were wet, then let it drain. I did try the ice cube method, but thought it wasn't getting enough water. Likes bright light but not direct sun. When the blooms all dropped off, the instructions that came with the plant said to cut back the stem and it would rebloom, taking a few months to a year.So I did that. It now has 5 blooms on one stem. I think that took a few months to appear. Funny thing though, the new stem did not come up from where I cut it back. It sprouted a new stem from between the leaves. From all the plants I have grown over the years, I don't think the orchid needs to be pampered. But you do need patience for it to rebloom. I suggest you try again.
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