This stack of wood has me pretty excited!!!
It was delivered today
so that it can acclimate
and be installed next week.
Can anyone guess where?
If you guessed the Master Bedroom
then you are 100% correct!
I can't wait to get rid of that carpet
and see my new gleaming hardwood floors!
I have pretty bad allergies
and this carpet is not doing me any favors.
With the amount of time
that is spent in here sleeping
(and I excel at sleeping)
and hanging out
I need to allergy proof
the bedroom as much as possible.
I chose the same flooring
that is in our
Kitchen and Hearth Room.
It's White Oak in random widths
which will be stained dark.
Of course you are looking
at the Back of the wood
in these photos.
Here are some Inspiration Pictures
that I can dream about
while they are
and staining.
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AllPhotosfromPinterest |
We debated for a long time weather to put in the floors.
We didn't have the budget
for it when the house was built
and then we just got so busy with Life.
What do you think?
Would you have or DO you have
wood floors in the bedroom?
Any positives or negatives
that I should know?
Until Next Time,
Beaux R'eves

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Oh, that will look so good!
Very exciting Cindy!! That's going to be beautiful!
Oh, how exciting! I've been dreaming of having hardwood floors in my bedroom for a looong time, but right now my budget for that is close to nothing :( Can you share your source?
How exciting! It will be beautiful!
We installed wood floors in our bedroom last year and haven't regretted it a bit. An area rug and small rugs on each side of the bed keep our feet warm on cold mornings. Keeping up with the dog hair is so much easier when you can see it and that helps my allergies. ;-)
We are going to reo the kitchen & family room with newer better laminate. The original flooring just didnt hold up that well, but its been 15 years too. But I'm also trying to bend the hub into considering putting hardwood in our bedroom. Same reason, not crazy about the carpet, & allergies. Can't wait to see the pics!!
I love the hardwood floors we put in our bedroom, great room and kitchen when we built our home a little over a year ago. So easy to keep clean and they are great for those with allergies and asthma (our allergist recommended getting rid of all carpet years ago and it does make a big difference). Enjoy your new flooring :)
Wood floors are the best!! It will look beautiful, just like the rest of your home! By the way I love that middle pic of the bedrooms!
Cindy it is going to be beautiful!
In my old house, that was the only room that had HW...This house is totally HW..much easier to keep clean..I sweep it daily and it's amazing what used to be hidden in that carpet..".Big Foot " Max tracks kitty litter thru the house that used to hide in the carpets...Good choice Cindy..Enjoy..Your floors are lovely..
It is a POSITIVE !! Plus - resale is better with wood floors than carpet (we just sold our last house and had lots of feedback)
we pulled the carpet out of the house as soon as we moved in. Luckily, when we looked at the house (before buying it) our realtor suggested we took a vent off and look under the carpet. We knew the house had wood floors thoughout (as most houses built in the 60's). We sanded and refinished them for under $100 (rent for floor sander and polyurethane). I love not having carpet!
If I had my druthers, dang near every square inch of floor space in this joint would be hardwood!!! I cannot stand the thought of carpet ANYWHERE in here...unless it's an area rug or throw. I'm just not a wall-to-wall carpet kind of gal. Never have been. Our neighbors across the street had hardwoods installed throughout their main level last week, and I made it known to my husband in no uncertain terms that in this case we MUST keep up with the Joneses!!! :-) I would definitely get hardwood floors in our bedroom. I know he will fight to the death to keep that from happening, so I'll just hold that as an ace in the hole as I continue to lobby for it on the main floor!
Color me jealous! :-)
Our home is hardwoods and tile throughout except for the bedrooms. Our master is on the main floor off of the kitchen and the carpet was horrible due to foot traffic towards the master bathroom and living in a red clay area. We did not have the budget, time or expertise to match the existing hardwoods (they all have a super gym floor poly clear coat) but since the kitchen was tile there was enough of a break to go with a different flooring. Our choice for the master was a laminate hardwood flooring with a darker stain. It has a different sound walking on it then the hardwoods but overall it still looks as beautifully as the rest of the house does. We have one area rug between the dresser and foot of the bed and have not looked back once. I am always surprised by the amount of dust bunnies I have to clean out of our room regularly. Better those to be on a swifter then embedded in the carpet right? I know your room will be beautiful and you will love it! Can't wait to see!
That incredibly stunning. It just looks so beautiful and the wood is the perfect look. I am so tired of seeing carpets in people's homes. They just attract dirt and hair and dust. Wood floors are clean and shiny and natural looking. It gives it a rustic feel in a way but it has a regal air to it also.
Maxwell Frey @ Design Build Duluth
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