One of my New Years resolutions was to "Lighten Up".
No, not lighten up my attitude, lighten up around the house.
And not in the "I am going to let things slide" manner either
(although some days I would like to).
What I mean is that I want to lighten up my rooms.
It feels dark in some rooms and heavy and I want things lighter and softer.
I am starting this resolution in the formal living room.
What really made me think about this long and hard
was after I took down the Christmas decor.
I usually would have redecorated right away,
but the room sat there naked until this week.
Each time I walked by the room (a million times a day) I just shook my head.
I wanted to paint, I wanted to rearrange the furniture,
I wanted to recover the chairs but I did nothing.
Has this ever happened to you?
On the plane down to Atlanta last week I was reading an article
in the inflight magazine about some one who started
a social movement and nonprofit organization called "Because I said I would".
Have you heard of it?
It is basically writing down promises large or small on promise cards
and mailing them to anywhere in the world at no cost.
Why did this move me?
I mostly always follow through on the things that I say that I will do.
I like that about myself.
But there are a a lot of things that I WANT to do that I don't say out loud.
I think them and then I let them go to the back of my mind.
Weeks and months go by and I don't do these things.
No one but me would really care if they got done or not
and they are certainly not things that would change the world
but I would like to get them done.
I realized that when I write things down that I need to do
(my post it notes that my family teases me about)
I usually do them.
So on Saturday I walked by the living room,
turned right around and marched into the kitchen
and started writing on the kitchen chalkboard door.
Paint the Living Room,
Recover the Chairs,
Switch out the Rugs,
Make Pillows, etc...
There it was for everyone to see!
Miss Beaux asked why are you doing that?
My answer
~ Because I said I would ~
Here is the room post Christmas...
I really want to paint the room a creamy color
and leave the ceiling the same soft blue.
I have this bench that I bought for a client.
This is not the bench that I ordered.
When I called the company they said that they would send another bench right away
and to hold onto this one until they sent me a return FedEx order.
The guy was really honest with me and said that after 45 days
if they hadn't sent the order then the bench was mine.
I asked Mr. Beaux (he knows about shipping stuff) how they could do that?
Wouldn't they be losing money?
He said that it would cost more to ship it back
than it would to just take a loss on the bench.
Wellllllllll, their loss was my gain!
It has been in the bedroom for a while and if you look real close
you can see the dog hair from the pups jumping up on it to get to the bed!
I wanted to try it out as a coffee table in front of the sofa.
I saw this living room on the Ballard website
and I loved the soft colors and of course the bench.
Please don't judge yet
because remember it is a work in progress!
I like the bench in front of the sofa.
You can see that I took the rug out.
Until I decide what I want to do I just want to see the negative space.
I placed some books on top of the bench with a birds nest.
I gathered some white things together and placed them on a silver platter.
Remember my rule for vignettes?
Shine, natural, texture, and groups of three.
Shiny silver platter, natural birds nest, texture in the white pieces and a grouping of three.
And a pop of an unexpected color.
Pretty pink roses all in full bloom.
While I was digging around I found this blue tray that I bought at an Estate Sale.
I am not sure that I am happy with this arrangement
but until I can really focus on it it will have to do.
I still have the mantle and the bookshelves to work on too.
Here are some fabrics that I have been gathering for this room.
A silk piece that was $5.00 at an Estate Sale,
the blue gray quatrefoil is a tablecloth on clearance at Pottery Barn
and the others I found for $25.00 at an Estate Sale.
It was a beautiful home in a great neighborhood and she was selling all of her leftover fabric from her kitchen/hearth room project.
It was a LOT of leftover fabric.
Lucky me!
I am so glad that this project is getting started!
All "Because I said I would!"
Until Next time,
Beaux R'eves

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Visiting from Savvy Southern Style-such a treat to see your beautiful decorating-tufted bench is lovely and I am very taken with the estate sale find!
Have a lovely week~
Love it as is...BUT..Anything you do will be gorgeous..Love your choice of fabrics..
This a beautiful room. I really love the fabric choices. Can't wait to see this finished.
I hesitate to use the word "jealous" to describe how I feel about you getting that bench by default, but I'm just going to keep it real....I'M JEALOUS!!! :-) What a great bench! I guess your husband is right when I think about would probably be more expensive to have it shipped back than to eat the wholesale cost of it. What a deal for you!!!
That room is gorgeous without a bit of tweaking, but I love what you're doing in it! Have fun getting it where you want it!
(P.S. - I, too, live with negative space for periods of time when I'm trying to wrap my head around the future of a project. A blank canvas is the best!)
Such a beautiful space. Loving the deal you got on that bench! It's amazing.
Cute post! You have a beautiful room already. I love the fabrics and the bench. Have fun decorating.
Beautiful, Gorgeous and Stunning!!!!
Love the colors you've picked!!! I love getting material from estate sales and bits left over.
I can tell you're excited and I am as well, because we get to see the before and after shots.
So, carry on and we'll be with you all the way:)
Enjoy the rest of the week!!!
What a great room- gorgeous flooring! Your ideas all look marvelous although I have to say your room looks very nice the color it is right now! Love the blue really adds a wonderful element to the room. I've had things shipped to me in error too, and they usually tell me to donate it because in many cases the cost of returning it outweighs returning the item. I love the motto "Because I Said I would" we all need that one!
My whole house needs to lighten up! Lightening up in the sense of colors.....dark family room furniture, rooms appear dark etc. Since I just moved in, I am overwhelmed. I too am doing a little at a time. I do love your room! Your fabrics are great! Good luck and one step at a time....Love your motto! I will be back to see what you have come up with.
Blessings My Friend,
Hi Cindy! You mentioned on my blog that we were kindred spirits and indeed we are! I am also trying to lighten up my house and I also have trouble getting around to actually doing the projects that I have in my head. I have heard of "Because I said I would." Great idea! And I LOVE your blue ceiling. Love it.
Wonderful room to work with and love your choices. I like your great idea's so, I am a new follower of your blog.
I love that attitude: "Because I said I would!" Awesome.
Lightening up is super refreshing, been doing it myself.
Your space is heavenly - love love love that ceiling WOW!
I have that exact bench. I was disappointed in my purchase but never tried to return......been considering painting the fabric - there are a lot of bloggers who have done so. I love the fabric b ut hate the colour - the pic showed it SO much lighter.
Anyway, keep up the good work. You are an inspiration to me!
Love your bench as a coffee table and your arrangement is lovely as well. those are darling lil quail............
Looks nice and I just love white........nothing lightens things up like some white......
Good for you on your getting started..........think I might need to do that too...........cause if it doesn't
get on my list it just doesn't get
Blessings for a lovely February, Nellie
It must feel good to get to some of the projects you have been thinking about. You have such a pretty room to work with and I am loving your bench! I need to acknowledge my " Because I said I would " list and tackle a few!
YOur home is lovely and I love how you're lightening it up!
- The Tablescaper
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