Tuesday, May 6, 2014

It's Planting Season!

Our weather has been spectacular!  
We have enjoyed these 80+ degree days 
and can't spend enough time outside.  
Today I finally finished up 
some planting on the screen porch.
I bought some herbs for pots 
when we were out on Sunday 
at the garden center.  
I don't have the greenest thumb 
in the world 
but I can usually grow 
some Basil, Parsley, Rosemary and Thyme.  
I ordered a set of these herb boxes 
from Decor Steals 
when they were last offered.  
I thought they were so cute!  
Since I wanted to use them outside 
I waterproofed them first 
with Thompson's WaterSeal.  
I just slapped on a coat 
and waited for them to dry.  
Some people were napping 
during the whole process.  
OK, they are not going in like this 
but I couldn't resist 
putting them in for a sneak peek! 
I planted the herbs in terracotta pots 
in different sizes and set them in the boxes.  
The tiny one up top 
was too itty bitty for a pot 
so I am debating what to do there.  
I hung them up for now with just a nail.  
I am waiting for Mr. Beaux 
to come home and hang them up 
with something more sturdy.  
I just get impatient, can you tell?  
See my little bird's nest?  
I found it abandoned in my front bushes.  
The birds have taken up a new residence 
in the opposite tree.  
She is sitting on her nest right now, 
waiting for her little babies to hatch.  
The screen porch 
still has a little clean up to be done.  
But then again, 
so does just about every room 
in my house right now!!!  
And, while we are on the subject of planting...  
This Burr Oak was planted 
in the backyard today!  
It will grow up big and strong 
and have a nice canopy 
to shield us from the new construction!  

Grow little tree, grow! 

Until Next Time,
Beaux R'eves

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea! I looked those boxes this week and thought how could I use them.. I talked myself out buying them. Now that I see what you have done of course I regret it. Oh well maybe next time. I love seeing your baby napping..what a cutie!


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