Sunday, May 4, 2014

How Does Your Garden Grow?

We worked hard this weekend!  
But I can't think of anything 
I would rather do on a beautiful day 
than work in the yard. 
I love being outside getting things done.  
This weekend our project was 
"Mulch the Front Yard".  
We decided that filling up "Clifford" 
the big red truck 
with mulch would be more cost effective 
than having it delivered 
and or paying to have it done by the landscapers. 
Mulch in our area is about $40.00 a yard 
and Mr. Beaux's truck holds 2 yards of mulch.  
We went first thing in the morning 
and loaded it up with mulch 
along with a few plants 
that we needed to fill in some of the beds.  
It only took two truck loads 
to get the front yard finished.  
We had already done 
all of the cleanup earlier 
in the season so there wasn't much 
to do but spread the mulch.  
The planters are all filled with annuals,
And the urns are planted,
All I have to do now 
is sit back and watch them grow!
I did work on my backyard bed 
where my hydrangeas are planted.
This is what it looked like before.  
Kind of sad isn't it?  
I cut my hydrangeas wayyyyyy back this year.  
It was a really hard winter 
and we lost a few plants and shrubs.  
I needed to fill in this bed 
with perennials that would 
compliment the hydrangeas.  
 This is what it looks like now.  
I know it doesn't look that much different 
but when it all fills in it will be great.  
I planted my new blue hydrangea 
along with a few daylilies 
and two of these dianthus plants.  
I have been watering my existing hydrangeas 
with Muracid once a week 
to try to keep them blue.  
Crossing my fingers that it works.  
 Hoping that the dianthus is 
hardy enough to survive...
I also planted a bunch of these Caladium bulbs 
under my deck.  
I guess I have been busy!  
What gardening plans do you have?  
I can't wait to see what you have been up to!  

Until Next Time,
Beaux R'eves, 


  1. Be sure to give your dianthus a lime feeding spring and fall. It requires "sweet" (alkaline) soil, while the blue hydrangea needs acid soil unless you want to have dark purple flowers. Different kinds of environments.
    I'm looking forward to seeing the garden when it's all filled out.
    Do you hire out to do this kind of work for old tired women??? LOL

  2. Looks beautiful! I haven't been outside to do anything yet. I have a lot of weeding to in order to be ready for summer. Come on over to help me out if you have some free time!

  3. Beautiful... will be even more so when it fills in. My hydrangea was cut way back as well. You would never know it because it is full, I mean full of buds already. The thing already half way up the window. But then, indo live in North Central Florida, so we got a head start on you.
    Hugs, Gee

  4. Everything looks beautiful ... hope to have you share your post over at Fishtail Cottage's Garden Party this upcoming Thursday. xoxo, tracie

  5. We haven't had the weather for gardening until now and today is the first full day I've worked to clean up the winter mess. It feels good to have made some progress even if I am stiff and sore tonight. Your yard looks great! I wish I was as far along.

  6. Everything looks truly gorgeous and so colorful! Your entry looks fabulous and your home is just beautiful too! I've got some work to do to spruce ours up a bit!

  7. Your yard looks great! I spent all day trimming shrubs because Lowe's just delivered 300 bags of mulch (22 yards) today! Previous years we've either picked up the mulch in our trailer or had bulk delivered, but this year Lowe's was having a really good sale and the price was cheaper by the bag at $2 a bag for 2 cubic feet. Can't wait until our mulch is down and our yard looks pretty like yours does!

  8. Suzanne of simply Suzannes at Home

    Your yard/garden is beautiful!


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