Friday, March 7, 2014

Working on Spring Around the House

I've stopped working on the Master Bedroom 
for now so that I can make 
some Spring Changes around the house.  
I have some things being delivered 
for the bedroom today and tomorrow.  
So Excited!  
So, I have to wait 
to make sure that everything 
is flowing together the way that I want it to.  
Did anyone purchase 
one of these great milk buckets from Decor Steals?
It came a few weeks ago 
and I kept dreaming of filling it 
with Hydrangeas from my garden.  
It is really unique 
and has a good weight to it.  
I love the rivets on the side.  
I wish they would stop sending me emails 
and forcing me to buy their stuff!  

The inside is all rusty 
and there are a few holes in the bottom.  
I couldn't wait to fill it with flowers 
so when I was out the other day 
searching for a bedroom rug, 
I popped over to Michaels 
and bought some fake flowers.  
I'm not usually 
a fake flowers kinda person 
but they have their place.  
They are great for staging 
and they really have 
come a long way in their appearance.  
So right now, 
as I am Springing up the Kitchen and Hearth Room 
they are making me happy!  
I am switching the dishes in the dish cupboard, 
taking all of the red transferware out 
and replacing it with?
And, I'm taking the dishes off of the wall.  
I have a few ideas, 
but I never know until I try a few different things out, 
what will stick.  
As a side note:  
I am also trying out a few Photo tips from Anita 
Thanks Anita!  
I need all the help I can get!  
If you are following me on 
Instagram or Facebook 
you saw my haul from yesterday.  
I wrestled acquired all of these goodies 
at an Estate Sale that I went to before work.  
Most of the pieces were $5.00 
some of the bigger ones were $10.00.   
They are mostly Copral Copper made in Portugal.  
The sweet little kettles are hand crafted Gregorian solid copper made in the USA.  
I am excited to hang them up in my window.  
You can see my copper posts here:   

I hope you are enjoying some Spring Weather!  
Have a great day!  
Until Next Time,  


  1. I love copper, in fact I will be putting copper panels on the ceiling of my pantry. You found some good things.

  2. I LOVE that bucket Cindy...and what a great copper collection!! Can't wait to see how you display them!

  3. What a lovely bucket, I wish I would have seen that one when it was available! Enoy it!

  4. I hear you about Decor Steals. I wanted these but passed them up. We are running out of room in storage with new items for the house. I loved these, hopefully they will bring them back. I'm not a fake flower girl either but these look great.


  5. I too saw those buckets but waited too long to order them. Hoping they come back. I think the fake hydrangeas look great ( one fake flower that does look like the real one). I feel the same about Decor.....way too many cute things. Sometimes I have to just close my eyes & hit the trash button to avoid another purchase. Lol. Love your copper finds. I am kicking myself for letting go of some of my mold collection when we moved years ago. At the time I couldn't figure out how to display them, but after a small remodel & redo I now have the perfect spot. So I'm scouting them out to rebuild a bit. Really enjoy your blog, your decorating is so much what I like & gives such inspiration.

  6. Long time reader, first time commenting...I just LOVE reading your blog, I absolutely love your style!

  7. You're making me wish that I had kept my copper when I moved..No room...Have a good day Cindy

  8. Wow...did you score on the copper pieces!!...and love that old milk bucket!..

  9. LOOOVE your copper. I used to have a large collection but got rid of it:( UGH!

  10. Great buy from DS....They twist my arm too! lol Can't wait to see how you display your new copper treasures.

  11. I've never shopped at Decor Steals- lol about them sending you all those emails- forcing you to buy more!! I had to cut myself off from the emails from One Kings Lane- It was way too easy to spend! I do like that milk pail and I'm fine with silkd flowers- for the most part they look real enough that people have to get up close to check them out. Your copper finds were quite awesome! Send any leftovers to me!! LOL

  12. Thanks for your kind comment Sandie. It really made my weekend! Thanks for reading!

  13. Love the copper, so pretty and I love the flowers too. Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  14. Love that bucket, and the faux hydrangeas look beautiful!


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