Thursday, March 6, 2014

Spring! It HAS to be here soon, right?

Well, our weather forecast is looking brighter!  
It has been a cold, cold winter!  
It makes me think that moving 
from good old Southern California 
was a big mistake!  
Our Springs are short here in the Midwest.  
We tend to move from 70 degree weather 
right to the mid 90's with 100% humidity.  
But right now I wouldn't mind it!  
I came across these photos 
on my backup drive while 
I was looking for Home Staging pics.
These little cuties were right outside 
my office window last year.  
It was fun to watch their progression 
from helpless little bird-lings to...
Demanding for Dinner toddlers...
to mouthy teenagers!  
They finally flew the nest!
But then they wanted back in!  

Does this sound familiar?
But how do you say no?  
When they are still so cute 
and sweet looking?
Someday they will be out all on their own... 
It can wait.... 

My sweet last baby girl child 
will be flying from the nest soon,  
my middle child landed back home for a while, 
my oldest visits every day... 
with his dog of course.... 
My life still revolves around them...

and I wouldn't have it any other way!

Until Next Time,
Beaux R'eves


  1. The baby robin was cute- they're so fun to watch learning how to fly! I can't wait for spring! We're still snowed in here in northern Michigan. Enjoy your young adults visiting- my son now lives in Oregon and my daughter is 150 miles south so the visits are few. Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. What a great post, love the birds and what a great picture. Spring has to be somewhere, the winter has been very tough for us in NJ this year. Trying to build a new home has been a challenge but things are moving along. Take a look.


  3. Hopefully, wishing will make it so...


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