Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Hardwood Floors in the Master Bedroom~Step by Step

How can I be totally exhausted 
and yet thrilled and over the moon in love 
at the same time?  
All because of new Hardwood Floors 
in the Master Bedroom?  
Yep!  I can!  
The floors were finished on Friday 
and the baseboards 
were installed and painted yesterday.  
Here is how the room looked before 
the wood floors were installed.  
I chose White Oak, 
random width 3-5 inch planks with a 2 grade.  
What that means 
is that it is a slightly inferior grade 
with 1 being the highest grade.  
I wanted all of the knots, 
marks, and variations 
in the floor to give a more rustic appearance.  
Here is my lonely naked room 
the morning that they started the install.  
Goodbye icky germ and 
allergy laden carpet!  
And here it is later that night.  
We slept on the mattress 
that night because I am a big baby 
and I have to sleep in my own bed!  
You can see the Armoire 
on the other side of the room.  
They eventually had to move it into the bathroom 
to stain the floors 
but they were afraid of it!  
It is quite a beast!
Can you see all of the cool color variations and knots?  
The next morning they made three different color samples for me to choose from.  
                   #1 is Provincial
                  #2 is a 50/50 mix of Provincial and Dark Walnut 
                 #3 is a two to one mix of two parts Dark Walnut 
                       to one part Provincial.  
And the Winner is?  
Did you choose #3?  
Cause I did!  
I love the dark, warm tones.
The floors were sanded and filled 
and then stained.  
After the stain, 
three coats of  Bona Traffic HD  
water based poly were applied.  
This is a three day process 
as each coat has to cure 
before another coat is applied.  
But the great thing is that 
it is environmentally friendly 
and we could stay in the house while it was used.  
No yucky fumes!
This is the floor after one coat of the sealer.  
I was loving the floors 
but then I noticed 
that I wasn't loving the wall color anymore.  
Well, isn't that just the way it happens?  
You can't buy a new dress 
without a new pair of shoes 
to go with it now can you?  
So on Friday I marched myself 
over to the Sherwin Williams paint store 
and they just happened to be having a 30% off sale!  
How lucky am I?
We knocked out the paint job that night.  
When I am determined 
trust me I am determined!  
There are still a million things 
that I have to do in this room 
Until I reach this ^^^
but I am getting there!  
And of course, 
there is my new Estate Sale 
chair taking center stage!  

Until Next Time,
Beaux R'eves

And don't forget to follow by email, GFC, or Bloglovin on the sidebar, because you don't want to miss any of the updates to this room!  

 Sharing at:
 Between Naps On The Porch 

   The Scoop

Vintage Inspiration Friday @ Common Ground
Home Sweet Home @ The Charm of Home
A Joyful Cottage

That DIY Party @ DIY Show Off


  1. That is exactly the one I picked, Cindy. As soon as I saw it I thought #3! Great minds think alike! Love it and can't wait to see your room done. xo Diana

  2. Your new wood floor is beautiful! I love the color.

  3. It looks beautiful! I love #3 also! But please do tell the color of the paint! It looks gorgeous!

  4. I love your choice of stain on the floor. What is the new wall color. It looks beautiful with the floors.

  5. Oh Cindy your new floor looks BEAUTIFUL!! Love the new wall color too...can't wait to see the room when your done! We're thinking alike...we had our whole first floor floors ripped out this past weekend and are having the same Brazilian Koa hardwood that's in our family rm. put throughout...I'm so excited and stressed at the same time! I hate it when the house is a mess!

  6. Cindy your floor looks amazing! We are i the process of trying to decided on wood flooring for our master. It is amazing how much larger a room looks once your ip the carpet out.

  7. Well, I'm turning blue :) They are gorgeous! The chair and the new wall color, beautiful too!

  8. love your amazing floors, and the new paint color is the icing on the cake!!

  9. Love the new floors and can't wait to see the room put back together!

  10. Love the floors, that is also on my to do list. Please post the paint color that you picked? The room looks great!!

  11. Your floors look beautiful and can't wait to see your finished room. Yes please share the paint color. We are planning to paint our bedroom pretty soon and this color could be a serious contender.

  12. Looks beautiful and love #3 for the finish!!!

  13. Gorgeous floors Cindy..Love the new wall color too..

  14. Yikes..the floor is gorgeous!...and the new wall color is so beautiful with the new floors...glad the room got a new pair of shoes with the new dress!!

  15. I picked #3 also, I LOVE, love dark wood floors! Is your poly a satin or gloss finish? I think we will put hardwood in our master too, we had to do carpet when we built but want the hardwwood. We had had it for 30 years in the old house and love it. YOurs look gorgeous!

  16. Yep, I picked #3 and I'm glad you did, too!!! It's beautiful! It really stands out beautifully in that light-filled room! LOVE the new paint job, too!!! I wish I was as handy, comfortable and willing to wield a paint brush as you! :-)

  17. Hi Cindy. I just discovered your blog today, and I'm a new follower. Your new floor is gorgeous. I love the dark wood with the new paint color and the white trim. Your inspiration photo is gorgeous, too. I'd love it if you'd come and share this post and your post on the chair you found (what a find!) at my monthly blog party Every Room In The House. This month we're partying in The Master Bedroom. Here's the link: http://www.ajoyfulcottage.com/2014/03/every-room-in-house-party-3.html
    I hope to see you there. ~ Nancy @ A Joyful Cottage

  18. Well, first of all, I don't think I've ever seen such a huge bedroom! How glorious!! Second, I LOVE hardwood floors and have them throughout my home now. You are doing such a wonderful job with your bedroom, and I'm looking forward to the big reveal, Cindy!

    xoox laurie

  19. Looks great! I love the warm and rich color of the wood and stain........and the room is fabulous! Gentle Joy

  20. Well, now, you've got my attention. I love hardwood floors. That's a beautiful floor you have there. Keep on letting us know how the room comes along. I saw your post on That DIY Party. Ann Marie @ Iris Abbey

  21. Hi Cindy, I've been checking out your lovely blog and your master bedroom re-do is just beautiful! I'm wanting a similar look in my own room; can you please tell me what color you painted your walls? Thank you so much! I'm off to look at your kitchen...

  22. Christy, I'm featuring this post at Every Room In The House tomorrow. Thanks for joining the party. Love your floor! ~ Nancy

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Hi Cindy! I think we have similar taste. I'd pick #3 as well. Haha! I love the look of dark hardwood floors. It takes me back to my childhood when my family and I would visit our summer home. Maybe the color stuck on me because it reminds me of my family or it's really just a beautiful color, but either way it looks great on your home. Enjoy your new floors! :)

    Denham Collier @ Laminate Restoration

  25. Thats a very nice and informative blog whic give a suitable info about wooden floors installation is really appreciable.We would like to thanks to share such a great info with us.

  26. These step by step instructions are going to be very helpful for me while I put in my own hardwood flooring. The difference between the before and after is amazing. Hardwood floors just make any room look that much better in my opinion. Thank you for post some helpful tips, and all your great photos. http://www.ncwp.ca/hardwood_flooring.html

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  28. Love the way it all turned out! Can you please tell me what wall color you chose? It looks like a beautiful neutral.

  29. Thank you for the insightful blog post about using hardwood floors in the master bedroom; it provided great inspiration for my upcoming renovation project.

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