Thursday, February 27, 2014

Playing Hookey To Go Estate Sale-Ing!

I played Hookey from work today 
and I blame!  
Not only did I play Hookey 
but the degenerate side of me 
made the call to the school 
to get Miss Beaux out of class 
to play along with me!  
Now, don't get me wrong here, 
I support education and believe that all children 
should be in school etc., etc.  
But everyone should get a mental health day 
with their mom, right?  
There was a HUGE model home sale 
starting today that I didn't want to miss.  
The builder is well known and very established 
and I knew they would have some great finds.  
AND, I promised her a Starbucks on the way there!  
This is only a portion of the huge warehouse!   
Most of the furniture was dated 
but in great shape as no one had really ever sat on it.
Pillows anyone?
I sent this pic to Mr. Beaux 
and he thought we were in the garden section at Lowe's!
Tons of accessories!  
Miss Beaux wanted to bring the Sputnik clock home 
but it was broken!
When I was perusing 
I spied this white chair.  
I figured it might be too expensive 
for my Estate Sale budget 
but I knew I needed to check it out.  
I liked the lines of it 
and I thought the size was perfect for a bedroom.
When I saw the price I flipped out!  
Can you believe only $54.00?  
It is in pristine condition 
without a mark on the fabric!  
I love the soft tufting and the covered buttons.
The legs need a little Restor-A-Finish 
on them I think 
but that's an easy fix.
When I was hauling it out 
to the car a lady that was entering the sale said " Well there goes my chair!"
That's when you know you have a great find!
I can't wait to put it in it's new home!  

Speaking of... Here is a little sneak peak of the Hardwoods in the Master.
Not a very good photo 
but this is after the first coat of sealer 
went over the stain yesterday.  
Today was two more coats 
with buffing in between.  
I am so glad we are doing this!

So, the rest of the day was spent with Miss Beaux 
at more Estate Sales 
and Lunch at the Corner Bakery.  
We had a blast and laughed a lot 
at the funny things that we saw.
We found these two hilarious cats 
at the big sale 
but sadly left them behind, Ha ha.  

She did talk me into buying her a 50 cent cat mug though.  

We brought other goodies home too 
which I will share with you later.  

Until Next Time,


  1. oh man....I would have loved that sale! And I adore the chair you bought! Great buy!

  2. What a great buy on your chair!! Sounds like a fun day! I am your newest follower.

    Judy Clark

  3. Cindy before I read about the white chair I said that white chair looks nice. So glad you got that and for a steal!
    Yes, always fun to have a mother daughter day. Your floor is gorgeous.

  4. What a great day! They had some great stuff -- those are such fun sales :)

  5. I love that chair! so glad you snatch it up before the other lady got it

  6. Oh my..Estate sales are so much more fun than work or school...Was that first one more than one estate ?? Had to be..Love that chair..very familiar style..I miss the state sales that I used to frequent when I lived outside of Phila.

  7. Love the white chair! Great Find! Thanks for sharing photos of your fun day with your daughter at the sale.

  8. You went here and didn't give me a heads up about it?!??!?!?!?!?!! FOR SHAME!!! For SHAME, woman!!! :-) I'm not familiar with, but I'm about to get REAL familiar! :-)

    Have a great weekend, and enjoy that fabulous new chair! What a steal!!!

  9. Great find on that chair! Hilarious cats! Sometimes we all do need a mental health day! LOL!
    Patty at Home and Lifestyle Design

  10. What a great day you must have had, shopping all those bargains and having your little lady along to spend the day playing hookey with you.

    As for those cats ......... is it just me that thinks they look obscene, or is it just my dirty mind, lol?

  11. Your post about playing hooky to go estate sale-ing is such a delightful read! It's refreshing to hear about the spontaneous and enjoyable moments we create for ourselves, especially when they involve the excitement of estate sales.
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  12. It's refreshing to see someone embracing the joy of spontaneity and the thrill of discovering hidden treasures at estate sales. Your vivid storytelling really brought the experience to life.
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