Saturday, May 3, 2014

Fantastic Estate Sale Finds

I haven't been Estate Sale-ing 
for a few weeks now.  
Three weeks to be exact!  
I missed poking around in the houses 
looking for hidden treasures.  
So, when my BFF wanted to go 
this weekend I said 
I'm still adding to my copper collection 
so I picked up this copper mold 
to hang on the kitchen wall.  
This shell tray was only $4.00.  
It isn't vintage or antique 
but I thought it would be 
a fun summer accessory.  
I picked up a few more ironstone pieces 
for a few dollars apiece.  
I can always use more ironstone, 
And these linen hand towels 
caught my eye.  
My Initials do NOT include 
a "B"
but my BFF remarked 
that my blog does!  
So that sealed the deal!  
 And if you follow me on Instagram 
you saw this Willow basket 
right when I purchased it. 
 It was hidden in the basement 
where all of the good stuff hides out.  
I put it on the outside sofa 
to show you just how large it is.  
Isn't it just fantastic?  

And the best part 
was that it was Half-Off day!  
Yep, $22.00 
for such lovely rustic goodness!
I really can't wait 
to fill it with all kinds of things!
Think of the endless possibilities...  
Flowers, dishes, pillows, blankets, wood...  
 Here are my BFF's finds for the day.  
An adorable medicine bottle, 
a Federal canister, 
a Black Bouillotte Lamp and a red plaid charger.  
All in all it was a fruitful day.  
Of course, 
the best part was the laughs,
the catching up 
and the Starbucks!  

What are you doing this weekend?  
Until Next Time,
Beaux R'eves,


  1. Nice finds. Love the copper mold of course.

  2. oh that makes me want to go to a sale today. I missed all yard sales this weekend to go to St Louis outlet mall shopping and would much rather go to an estate sale
    Love all your finds and like those linen towels I bought my daughter some of those with her initial on them
    That basket was a nice find for sure

  3. Great finds Cindy...Love the copper mold and the tray is very inteersting.

  4. Sweet finds. Big case of basket envy here...

  5. Great finds, Cindy! I love the copper mold; and that basket is awesome!

  6. Excellent finds, Cindy! You would be proud of me...I actually got out last week and tackled the neighborhood garage sale! And I got some great stuff for incredibly wonderful prices!!! There were more garage sales this weekend, but I didn't make them. I'll start in on estate sales this summer perhaps...if there's anything left after you get to 'em!!! :-)

  7. Fantastic lamp, and the basket is superb! Thanks for inviting us for a peak. Cherry Kay

  8. Wow! You got some wonderful treasures! I can't believe the size of that basket! It's huge! The blue monogrammed towels are so cute - who cares if you don't have a B in your name? Ironstone is always a great find too! I went out to two neighborhood yard sales this weekend, the first ones of the season, and didn't find anything! It was a bit disappointing but the season here is just starting. Enjoy your new goodies! Hugs, Leena

  9. Wow! You did great. I have been going to a few estate sales with my husband. As you know it's always a hit or miss. He always finds the great stuff, I'm not usually that successful. Enjoy your new treasures!

  10. That willow basket is amazing! Great find.

  11. I love all of your goodies, I would have bought the exact same things!


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