Sunday, April 13, 2014

Tragedy Too Close to Home


 I would like to send out 
my thoughts and prayers 
to those who were affected 
by the shootings that occurred today 
in Overland Park.  
About a mile from my home, 
across the street from my daughter's high school 
a man shot at people in the Jewish Community Center 
and the Village Shalom- a retirement center.  
He killed three people and injured others.  
This is still sinking in for me and my family.  
I drive by this very spot no less 
than three times a week.  
We were glued to the TV 
most of the afternoon waiting for news.  
Miss Beaux came home from an outing 
with a friend already knowing 
about the incident.  
I am sad and confused 
as to why these unspeakable crimes occur. 

Until Next Time,
Beaux R'eves,


  1. So sad. Praying for all involved. xo

  2. Most ironic, at least two of the people this White supramicist shot were Christians visiting the Jewish center for a music tryout.

  3. So tragic and needless. Very difficult to understand why some people choose this route as their 15 minutes of fame.

  4. It is so sad, for the victims and their families, for the families of all sad....


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