Friday, March 28, 2014

Estate Sale Friday!

I would normally say Happy TGIF 
but in my case it is Happy ESF!  
Happy Estate Sale Friday!  
I love Fridays when I can grab a Starbucks 
and take off first thing in the morning 
for my Estate Sale rounds.  
I could wish for better weather 
but I don't want to push my luck... 
I would rather wish for bargains and great finds!  
And I am happy to report 
that I found some this Friday!  
This is the first house that I went to.  
The sale was advertised on as 
"Quality in South Leawood".  
The home is for sale 
so I am guessing 
that they are moving to downsize.  
I love  
I remember the good old days 
when my BFF and I would grab 
a newspaper and circle the Estate Sales 
and print out the directions.  
Isn't this a great house?  
This is a photo from the MLS listing.  
You can see the whole thing here:
Sorry about the Iphone photos.  
So, I waited in line and walked into 
this gorgeous French Country Home 
that was professionally decorated to the nines!  
Look at those toile curtains 
leading into the great room!  
Another MLS Photo.  
Look at those hardwood floors!  
And I am not the hugest fan of wallpaper 
but I do like traditional when it is done right.
In the great room the tapestry 
over the fireplace hides something 
we all have in our homes.
The Television!  Clever!
I liked the kitchen, 
but it was a tad dark for me.  
I did find a couple of 
goodies in there though...
These little Tole trays were $1.50 each.  
Miss Beaux commented on them 
when she got home from school, 
"You really like those trays don't you?"  
I guess I do have an obsession with them.  
But can you blame me?
 And this little guy is going in my black hutch, 
joining his other bunny friends.  
Isn't he a cutie!
At the next house 
I found this bolster cover from Nell Hill's. 
My BFF and I are going there this weekend.   
The bolster was originally priced at $26.00 
but the Estate Sale price was...
$8.00 but wait!!!  
It was half off day 
because the sale was ending today... 
Here are some things that DIDN'T 
go home with me although 
I wish they did.
Lovely French Display Cabinet for $1,500.00
Another small cabinet
with a mirror for $895.00.  
This would be cute in a 
bathroom with glass doors.
I really wanted these white Staffordshire Statues.  
But, my maximum I will pay is $50.00 
and they were $115.00.  
That's OK, 
I am happy with my $14.00 worth of 
Estate Sale fun finds!  
I hope you have a fabulous weekend!!!
Until Next Time,
Beaux R'eves,

Sharing at:
Home Sweet Home @ The Charm of Home
 Make it Pretty Monday @ The Dedicated House


  1. I went on and I am going to my first estate sale on April 4th. I am so excited. I have never been to one. Wish me luck. :)

  2. Oh wow! You scored! Beautiful new treasures. Hoping to make some scores of my own this weekend.

  3. I think you did really well with your $14.00, Cindy. I love trays, too. I have several but none quite like that. Also the bolster cover was a really good deal and well, who can pass up a cute rabbit? xo Diana

  4. Love the trays you found! and they're so versatile for decorating too. And any bunny is adorable in my book! thanks for visiting my blog!

  5. $1.50??? what a fantastic bargain!!...and the pillow cover is certainly got some great buys and that home is exquisite!

  6. Wow thanks for the info on Estate sales & Nell Hill's. I'm going to watch the estate one out my way. Great score on those trays.

  7. Great finds Cindy..I'm so jealous..Would love to spend the day "Estate sale-ing",, Sure beats yard sales ( I don't do them)..Have a great weekend..

  8. Great finds! I love a good estate sale! Hugs, Leena

  9. I love your finds! I would have loved to have that mirrored armoire as well! It's beautiful! Thanks for the top on! I found several that I may go to even though the closet is about 40 miles away!

  10. Cindy you hit the jack pot!! I love the trays. I go to Estate Sales with my hubby and sometimes we score and sometimes we don't. The house that you went to was stunning.. I love the cover for the tv..very clever!


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