Friday, February 7, 2014

Vintage Collections: His and Hers Pillowcases

There has been lots of this white stuff this week.  
School was closed three days in a row!  
Of course Miss Beaux did a little victory dance 
each time they announced school closings.  
See, she doesn't have to make up any lost days 
because she is a Senior!  
I don't mind the snow so much 
but these cold temps are too much!  
I only go out when absolutely necessary!  
So, I have been puttering about the house 
and one of my projects was cleaning out 
my guest room closet.  
I store all of my extra linens there 
and it was getting a little out of hand.  
Besides, we actually have a guest!  
My middle son has a friend that has just relocated 
from Chicago and she has landed here 
while she looks for a new job and an apartment.  
She is a photographer, so I am crossing my fingers 
that if I ask very nicely, 
she will show me a few tips!!!
 While I was cleaning and organizing 
I came across these Vintage His and Hers pillow cases 
that I picked up at an Estate Sale.  
They are not hand made 
but they were still in the box.  
I am guessing by the packaging 
that they are from the 70's.   
I thought they would be fun to put on the bed 
for Valentine's week.
They are very soft 
and I think that they are 100% Linen.  
I love the gray stitching!  
Here is another His and Hers set 
that I found while Estate Sale-ing.  
They had a hideous trim 
in a not so flattering blue color that I removed.  
I love the cross stitch on these.  
It reminds me of the tea towels 
that my Nana had.
Aren't they just the sweetest?
These were also in great condition 
and seemed as if they had never been used.
Do you collect any vintage linens?  
I see them all the time at the sales 
and I am always drawn to them. 
I would love to find a set like these 
that I saw on Etsy. 

Or how about this modern His and Hers set?

Or how about this?  
Although mine would have to say 

"your side"  and "me and the dogs".

Have a great weekend,
Until Next Time,
Beaux R'eves

Sharing at:
  The Scoop
  Savvy Southern Style


  1. What pretty linens, Cindy! I remember my mother having some very similar to the first set. I think they make a lovely addition to your guest room; and they really are perfect for Valentine's Day.

  2. I love your vintage pillow cases Cindy...the ones with the blue embroidery are my favorite!

  3. I'd have to have one in the center for Mollie..I just love vintage linens but am no longer living in Phila where they were plentiful..Miss them..The first pair of your pillow cases are to die for..Gorgeous.

  4. Your linens are so pretty! I have not seen them in my area. Everyone must be holding onto them.

  5. Lol! The master and slave one cracked me up. I definitely need that set! Although my husband would say I'm the master and he's the slave. =)


  6. I really love the ones you found and the master/slave one is hilarious! So pretty. I don't have any vintage linens...sadly!

  7. Hahaha I need to get the last one! Love the ones you have!

  8. Love vintage linens. You found some beauties! The master/slave one made me laugh out loud!


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