Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Entry Vignette~ A Balanced Look

Snow Day Today!  
We have already been blasted 
with at least 7-8 inches of snow 
and the National News is even in Kansas City reporting!  
I don't mind staying in though!  
I have been working diligently on my quest 
to "Lighten Up" in 2014.  
I thought I would show you my current arrangement 
in the Entry.  
But before I do, 
I thought it might be fun 
to see some of my past vignettes for the same space.  
This is what it looked like this past Christmas 
with my Carolers.  
When the house was staged for sale 
I hung my two favorite 
landscape paintings behind the chest.
This was one of my favorite Vignettes.  
It is difficult to work with a curved staircase.  
I am on the lookout for a round table 
to place here 
but I haven't fallen in love with one yet...
This must have been a few Februarys ago.  
And here is an eclectic mix 
I put together for Fall. 

So, I have been thinking...
that I want a more balanced 
and symmetrical look 
for a change. 
 Maybe something like this 
picture that I found on Pinterest.
Or this gorgeous photo from Elle Decor.
So I stole these two Ginger Jars 
from my Master Bedroom.  
They were in the alcoves 
above the doors to my bathroom.  
I love them there, but lets face it, 
not that many people 
are going in there and seeing them.  
They are too beautiful to be hidden.  

I hung a mirror from the hallway over the chest.  
I can't believe that I haven't put this mirror 
here before now! 
The dusty gold goes well 
with the colors of the chest.
I have had this chest forever!  
It was an impulse buy 
for a model home that I was staging 
a looonnnngggg time ago.  
I keep all of my linens here for the dining room.  
I like the simplicity of it right now 
as I am moving from room to room 
rearranging everything.  
I am sure that it won't stay this way for too long.

Until Next Time,
Beaux R'eves


  1. I like it. Your foyer is lovely. It is nice to be able to have your table linens nearby.
    Patty at Home and Lifestyle Design

  2. This is gorgeous. I am visiting you via Wow Us Wednesdays and look forward to seeing you at My Dream Canvas.

  3. All of your looks are very nice....my fav, hands down, would be the on with the black frames and gold letters. The way the accent wall is just perfect and the colors not only compliment your chest, but the carpet in the stairs, as well. Your chest is gorgeous and I think it is the perfect statement piece for welcoming your guests.

  4. Love that mirror and the chest..So elegant..

  5. Gorgeous styling, love these ginger jars, and that treasure of a chest! You have a great blog, found you thru Savvy Southern Style!

  6. It looks so pretty with the bell jars and flowers. I love the mirror.

  7. Well, ALL of the vignettes are beautiful! I do love those jars so am loving this new, balanced vignette. Sp pretty!

  8. This is absolutely stunning, love those jinger jars.

  9. Oh I love them all, each one is so different and so pretty. Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  10. Oh my, I like the most recent vignette, but my favorite is what you say is yours, the one featured on A Stroll Thru Life, (from where I'm visiting). I really like the vignette's entirety, and simply love your stairway carpet!
    Rita C. at Panoply

  11. Looks very nice and does lighten things up a bit. You are right those ginger jars are beautiful and need to be out so they can be seen............don't you just love shopping your house.......lol
    I really love your 2nd vignette so much, the one with the R's in it, course, it is much better for Fall/Winter, but it is
    Enjoyed your post as always,
    blessings, Nellie

  12. LOVE LOVE LOVE the last 2 pictures!!! So classic & gorgeous!


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