Sunday, January 6, 2013

Project Organization 2013

Welcome to my Nightmare!
We took all of the Christmas things down 
right before New Year's.  
I had two options, 
stuff everything back into the storage area 
or really take the time to get organized 
and sort through it all once and for all!
Of course, I never take the easy way out!  
So, it has been Project Organization over here ever since!  
I won't bore you with all of the nasty details 
(well, just a few of them) 
but I do want to show you some of the things 
I have been working hard to organize.  
So, over the next few weeks I plan to stick a few organizing posts in here and there.  
After all, if I have to work THIS hard 
then someone ought to see it!!!
Sigh, all of these pretty tablescapes!  
These dishes have to be stored somewhere right? 
A lot of my dishes are stored here 
(see the overflow, oops and the dust?).
Some are stored here.  
I can't believe I am showing you this!  
I can't find ANYTHING in here!
More goodies in here...  
The problem was that every time that I set the table 
I was running upstairs, downstairs, 
to this cupboard and that one to find what I needed.  
It was exhausting!  
I cleaned out one of my storage areas in the basement 
and decided to use one of our wire racks to store all of my dishes in one place.  
I really like to see all of my stuff.  
It makes my life so much easier.  
We have about 6 or seven of these wire rack systems 
that you can buy at Costco.  
They are the best ever!  
I love the wheels because you can move them around easily.  Mr. Beaux and I cut these pressboard sheets to fit on top.  
It makes it easier to place the dishes on them.  
They were easy to cut but boy that 
Table Saw scares me a little!  
So, I started lugging all of my dishes downstairs.  
That was quite an endeavor.  
One day I logged at least 60 times up and down the stairs.  
This is only some of the dishes...
I am still working on it but it will 
all be worth it in the end.  
I doubt that I will EVER be as organized 
as Miss Alycia over at Table Twenty-One!  
But it is progress!

Until Next Time,
Beaux R'eves,
XO Cindy
I am sharing at :
Susan at Between Naps on the Porch
  Cuisine Kathleen's-Let's Dish  



  1. It IS that time of year isn't it? Seems everyone is in organization mode, me too.... Good idea with the dishes... Happy Sunday...

  2. Oh- Cindy- That looks so good. I am doing the same thing this year-except using Rubbermaid containers. I love that metal shelving. We FINALLY have a Costco coming here- I can't wait- xo Diana

  3. Looking so good! I have bins stacked in the basement with all my decor stuff. I'd love the have a shelving system to place everything on. Maybe soon! Keep up the good work.

  4. Tis' the season for organising and you are off to a fantastic start. I'm waiting for my cleaning mojo to click in. :)

  5. I still have a pile of Christmas stuff in my dining room! I love how you lined those wire shelves. I really need to do that because everything always falls over on those things. You have me motivated to tackle my mess!

  6. I'm sure I am challenged because I don't have a basement. Or maybe I have too many dishes???

  7. Those shelves are really nice. Great idea cutting the boards to go on top to keep things steady up there on those shelves!

  8. Cindy,
    YOU ROCK GIRL! I am STILL organizing since BEFORE, it will be time to....continue my saga....I was hoping to do something to get more space for my dishes....and I started hauling them downstairs, but then I got on Craigslist......yeah, I FOUND what I needed! I will post about it! Thanks for the pictures....I feel somewhat human now instead of just "Hordish"....
    Hearts to you,
    PS. THanks for the carpet info. I have yet to go look for it at a store....this week possibly! I appreciate your help!

  9. Luv that u posted this. I know u feel awesome about getting ur dishes all to this terrific spot. I am doing the exact thing this month. Hubby will give me a Home Depot rack that is in the garage. I cannot wait. 60 trips up & down.. bonus exercise benefit! lol

  10. I can't wait to see how you get organized. I have the same issue with my Christmas decorations. I had planned on organizing everything before I put back in storage, but I wasn't in the mood. I know I'm going to regret it next Christmas. I even thought maybe through out the summer months I could go through my Christmas decoration closet. What a great idea on storing all your dishes in one spot.

  11. Cindy, love, love the shelves. Great storage idea! Doing the same thing here. Just got to get this house organized! :) Have a great week!

  12. I have those same shelves from Costco. I also use them in my basement. I love the boards you put on top. Great idea!!! Thanks :)

  13. Puh-leeze!!!!! Girl, you've got it goin' on over there across town!!! I have seen those rolling racks at Costco and wanted to buy a few of them for our garage. Ramon doesn't understand the value of having something movable like that. I fear I will simply have to buy the things, lug them home myself, have a friend help to put them together, then load them up so he can get a visual of it all. I'm scared of that table saw, too, so I'll have to enlist a sympathetic neighbor to help with that. GREAT idea! Thanks for the tip!!! I am still working today to reorganize everything after Christmas. Ugh! What a chore! I've been working on this for several days now. I just can't face Spring without getting reorganized, though. Oh...and the 60 trips up and down the steps...that's my only source of exercise these days, so I'm cool with it! :-) Happy New Year!!!!!!!


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