Monday, April 21, 2014

Tips for a Successful Garage Sale

This weekend was 
our Subdivision's annual garage/yard sale.  
And although it was a TON of work 
I am really glad that we did it!  
We sold a ton of stuff 
which feels really good 
to clear out our storage area and garage.  
And, we made some spending money 
which is never a bad thing!  
I would like to tell you that I was 
100% ready for the sale but I would be lying!  
We had been out of town 
and we got back late the night before the sale.  
I rushed around at 6:00AM 
trying to get everything ready...  
But, over the course of the two days 
I DID learn what to do and what NOT to do!  
Since it is that time of year for 
Garage Sales and Yard Sales, 
I thought I would share 
some of the things I learned with you. 
  • Go through every closet and drawer and cupboard you own!  Everything is sale-able!  Remember, your castoffs are their treasures.
  • Price EVERYTHING!  This is something that I got 80% done.  I ended up dragging MORE things out that I had to price.  It is a hassle to answer a million times to "How much is this?"
  • Don't know how to price things?  Look at this site for tips Garage Sales Tracker.  It was very helpful.
  • Advertise your sale!  Put an ad on Craig's List it's free!  Put out signs with arrows pointing to your street and address. I sent my middle son to the market to buy a balloon to put on the mailbox and he came home with Mr. Bee!  He was the hit of the cul-de-sac! 
  •  Start out with about $100 in change.  Twentys, tens, fives and lots of ones along with coins.
  • Keep your money on your person.  Have an apron or pockets to hold your money.  A cash box can be stolen.  Have a calculator near by too.  When you are making change keep the original bill out so there is no argument about the amount.
  • Encourage your neighbors to have the sale at the same time you do.  Ours is annual in our Subdivision.  It is a LOT more fun and the buzz is contagious when there are a lot of people milling around from house to house.  
  • Be SAFE.  If you are alone with no help, keep your cell phone with you at all times.  Never let anyone enter your home to use the restroom or try something on.  This lady asked me where she could try some clothes on and I just looked at her and said, "Lady, this is a yard sale!".  
  • Display your items so people can see them.  Lean pictures against the wall or borrow tables to place your items on. Run out of space?  Make a makeshift table out of two stools and a plank of wood, or like I did, two ladders and a plank of wood (Mr. Beaux was impressed).
  • Have grocery sacks handy for people to carry their things away.
  • Have a "Guy" table in the front with a few tools, weights, golf clubs, or clothes so the guys have something to look at while their wives shop longer.  I had to laugh because the men would walk in look around for two seconds and take off if they didn't see anything!  
  • Put some music on!  If anything it takes away the boredom during the slow times.
  • Have FUN!  I had a great time talking to people and sharing stories about the things that I was selling.  I even met someone who reads my blog!  She didn't know that it was me and she commented on my front door baskets.  She asked me if I had taken a picture of them for future reference.  I laughed and I told her about my blog and gave her a business card.  She looked at it and screamed "I READ your blog!".  So, you can make new friends too!  Hi Mary!
  • Remember to take your signs down after the sale! 
I was dead on my feet 
after the two days 
but I just kept reminding myself  
that the reward was more money 
to buy more stuff 
at Estate Sales!  
Until Next Time,
Beaux R'eves

Sharing at:
Between Naps On The Porch 
Inspire me Monday
Amaze Me Monday  
Be Inspired Party @ Elizabeth & Co.
Swing Into Spring Wednesday @ DIY by Design 
What We Accomplished Wednesday @ Green Willow Pond

Treasure Hunt Thursday @ From My Front Porch To Yours 


  1. Great tips! Come share at AMAZE ME MONDAY!

  2. Stopping by from Kim's party. Great tips I'll be using for my garage sale this summer! Did you come down any from tag pricing?

  3. It is exhausting! I've done many and hate all the work. Great tips here for a successful sale! Thank you for sharing at What We Accomplished Wednesdays.



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