Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Progress on the Living Room and thoughts on Blogging

"So, listen..." 
That's what I always say 
before I am about to really express my feelings.  
My family all knows that's when it is coming...  
I may be talking about family issues 
or just wanting someone to know exactly how I feel.  
But it always starts with 
"So, Listen"  
... Sooooooo, Listen,
Blogging is hard sometimes.  
I know that it looks easy 
but it is hard work behind the scenes.  
I was sitting here in the kitchen 
and working on editing pictures of my Living Room 
and my son came home from work.  
He asked me what was wrong 
because I wasn't my cheerful self.  
I told him that I was having trouble editing 
the pictures for the post 
because of a long list of circumstances...  
It has been raining for several days, 
I was not 100% happy with the pictures that I did take, 
there are missing elements in the room 
that I am either waiting for or need to acquire, etc...
So he actually came back to me 
with some really great advice.  
He said 
"Mom, if you always put your best work 
out there then where do you go from there?"  
"How do you improve?"  
"Sometimes you have a deadline 
and you just have to put it out there, 
that's how you get better."  
And then I remembered... 
This is a BLOG!  
A blog is a journey.  
A blog is like a diary. 
A blog is not a national publication 
like a magazine or a professional website.  
I am not a professional photographer 
and I certainly can't show you finished products 
on a daily basis.  
I would have to be superhuman to accomplish that!  
So, Listen, 
I have been working on my Living Room 
and I like where some things are going 
and other things are still in progress.  
But nevertheless, 
I am actually excited to show you!  
I was inspired by the designer 
Stephan Schubel's gallery wall.  
The problem was that I didn't have enough pictures 
to fill the wall.  
So I procrastinated in that room 
and left the paintings leaning up against the wall 
for over a month now since we painted.  
The Prom deadline pushed me 
to get it finished at least presentable for the event.  
We bought these paintings in Venice 
and had them framed when we got home.  
The plate hanging above 
was hand painted by Mr. Beaux's grandmother.  
I was so happy to find a prominent spot to hang it up.
  The companion painting 
and another hand painted plate.  
I wish that I had a close up 
but I will show you another time.  
Our Venice painting that we had commissioned 
for us from a photograph.  
We had dinner under that third red awning.
Because I didn't have enough 
to fill a whole wall 
I moved our wine cabinet to the center of the wall.  
The sofa is now against the windows 
with a sofa table behind it.
It brings the sofa into the room more 
and gives me an opportunity 
to display my treasures.
Like this painting that we found in Napa.  
It reminds me of the wheat fields in Kansas.  
 I pulled in my little rescued Estate Sale 
table from the Hearth Room 
to sit beside my Bergere chair. 
And the journey continues....  
I want to thank each and every one of you 
who visit each day.  
This is why I blog.  
I truly enjoy all of the vast creativity 
that the other bloggers possess 
and the community spirit that we enjoy.  
I don't think that I say that enough. 

Until Next Time,
Beaux R'eves


  1. Cindy I love the changes you've made especially moving the sofa near the windows. You have so many pretty pieces and you display them beautifully! Kuddos to your son on such great advice :-)

  2. Hi Cindy,
    I think your room looks grand.........very very lovely. I think sometimes it is frustrating when you know something
    looks really pretty but you can't capture it the way it looks to you, but oh well...........it happens to all of us.
    You have a very wise son there............isn't it interesting when your children tell you stuff you have told them
    before........lol I love hearing my grown up kids advice, cause they are very wise......just blows a Mom's socks

    Your prom party look wonderful too, and the kids all looked wonderful all dressed up so pretty. What a fun time
    prom is............but the preparation can be enough to kill ya!! lol

    Blessing for a lovely evening.........and we will look forward to the rest of the room when you get it done, take
    your time hon........

  3. Cindy,

    Your room looks absolutely fabulous. And the *really* perfect part? The wisdom of your son. Those are strong, wise words. You must be so proud of your lovely home and even more wonderful family. Well done, Cindy.

  4. Your photos look great as does the room. Never feel like it all has to be perfect to post. I like seeing the messes and the progress shots along the way.

  5. I just never feel like things have to be perfect. If I did, I wouldn't get to blog, because I am NOT a photographer or writer, just someone who likes to share what I'm doing whether it's perfect or not!! Your posts are always interesting and lovely!!

  6. I luv seeing the process..The movement. It's a home, we luv the flaws and the life of it all. :)
    Your home is always so luvly.

  7. To our eyes it would have looked perfect and no apology needed. I actually prefer to see things unfold rather than it all finished and done. When is a room ever done for us anyway! The lack of light for taking pics is something I can relate to. Will we ever get sun again?

  8. I have only gotten ONE comment from a fellow blogger about quality of my photos. I am not a professional photographer either. It is definitely a journey. Do what you enjoy. The living room looks great!

  9. Your room looks gorgeous!! And I think all of us appreciate that you are a real person -- one of us -- doing this charming blog. We don't want perfection. As one of my favorite bloggers says (Author Kristen Lamb) -- "The world rewards finishers, not perfection." So thank you for being a wonderful part of my day!!

  10. I am a new blogger and have recently felt what you are feeling. You have such a talent......just enjoy yourself as much as we all enjoy you!

  11. Like Kathleen, I too am a new blogger. I completely understand what you are feeling! But you needn't worry. Your living room is breathtaking!

  12. What beautiful art Cindy - and that you picked it up while travelling makes it even more special - LOVE your room !

  13. I think the room looks great, love those paintings and those dishes are gorgeous. What great treasure to have!


  14. I'm so glad that you said all of this, Cindy. You are right about blogging being a journal and not a magazine publication...it's hard to remember that sometimes. Your son is very wise :) And I think your gallery wall is looking fabulous. The plates and paintings are very special memories for you. (I've been to Venice too...it is amazing!)

  15. I'm so glad that your son gave you these words of wisdom. Many times I visit your blog and several others and I feel like how can I compete. All of the home blogs I visit always looks like they are so pristine and perfect. Please don't misunderstand your home gorgeous and always always looks perfect. I always feel like how could I ever create a blog when I work full time and my weekends are not my own. I always try to keep after my home but, your sons words couldn't have been more true. Please tell him he is a smart guy and thanks for making me feel that it's ok to live in my house without it being perfect!

  16. Thank you for all of your kind comments when they were needed most! I try to respond to all of my comments but some of you are hard to track down. So, Jeanette and Barbara, Thank you again for your words of wisdom! This is why I love Blogging! All of my great readers!

  17. Your son is wise. I agree with his thinking. I look at my blog as a sort of journey and a diary of things I've been up to. Your room looks wonderful. Love how you did the sofa and your pictures.

  18. I agree with your son. And your room looks just lovely. Visiting from Home Sweet Home. Pop by and see my porch makeover (well, the progress so far) if you get a chance.

  19. I also love the painting that reminds you of our Kansas wheat fields! I know that wasn't the point of this post, but it made my heart jump just a little to see Kansas mentioned in your post!

  20. I am so glad your son talked you into sharing that!!!! I love your living room. absolutely love it and do me a favor? don't ever second guess your talent. Because you have it sister! Now if you'll excuse me. I'm going back to look again!

  21. What a gorgeous room. You are so talented. I will be featuring this tonight at my Swing into Spring party that opens at 8pm EST. Please stop by and pick up an I've Been Featured button. Thanks.

  22. Oh I think it looks fabulous. Love the gallery wall with the wine cabinet, I think it is perfect and the sofa is stunning. YOur pictures look amazing to me. Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me.

  23. Everything looks beautiful CIndy! Thanx for partying at THT.

  24. So listen.....that is one smart son that you have raised!!!!
    And a perfectly gorgeous room that you have created!
    Blessings to you...we love seeing what you are doing...at ANY given time :^)


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