Thursday, April 3, 2014

Forsythia is Blooming!

I'm embarrassed to say 
that I always forget 
that I have a Forsythia Bush 
on my side yard!  
The fact is, 
that it blooms so quickly 
that I sometimes miss it!  
Here it is today 
and it should fill out some more 
within the week.  
I always know that Spring is here 
when I see the Forsythia Blooming.  
You know that one of my most viewed 
and Googled posts was 
So, I cut a bunch of branches this afternoon 
(from the back of the bush) 
and wanted to put them on the dining room table.  
I just wanted a simple Spring arrangement.  
I first placed them in this green vase.  
I think it looks too Fall Like...
 I tried this rustic looking urn....  
I don't know, too rustic maybe?  
I have been so indecisive this week!  
Do you ever get like that?  
So I decided that maybe 
simple was best!
I stole the glass from one of my hurricane lanterns...
Yep, Simple is best!  

Happy Spring!

Until Next Time,
Beaux R'eves,

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  1. I adore forsythia and yours is beautiful. Happy Spring! xo

  2. Beautiful Cindy!!
    Can't wait for mine to start to bloom!

  3. I liked them both-the rustic urn and the clear glass container. I love forsythia! It just really says SPRING to me! xo Diana

  4. Beautiful! If you leave it in water you will soon have roots and be able to start another plant!

  5. I always love it when the forsythia bloom. It means that spring is finally here! My dad had a whole row of them planted along the drive way when I was growing up. I always loved them! I may have to go get one for myself now! Hugs, Leena

  6. Forsythia just seems to scream spring. I have to say that I loved the green urn you had them in. I love green and yellow together, however I do like the clear vase as well. Have a wonderful weekend!

  7. I liked all 3 vases!!! We are away but I doubt anything is blooming yet at home....

  8. Simple works for me most of the time..You reminded me that I have to take my clippers down the street and "steal" some Pussy Willows..Have a great weekend Cindy..

  9. Very, very pretty. I like them in all your vases, but simple is always a winner. Our forsynthia are still not blooming yet. Somewhat late from the cold winter. I have lots of them around the yard, both front and back, and I always love it when they bloom with the daffodils and turn my yard yellow. I don't usually cut any for inside, but have some faux ones that I use in several places instead. They always brighten everything up, whether inside or out.

  10. I used to have several forsythia bushes when I lived in New Jersey. My children knew that when the forsythia was in bloom spring was truly on its way! The branches look beautiful in the simple glass vase.

  11. Forsythia does not bloom in Houston, and by the time I return to Maine is is almost gone. That always makes me feel like I've missed something special.

  12. I don't know if I have seen that plant here in Australia. I will have to google it to see f it has another name. Yours looks beautiful at any rate and it looks stunning on your dining table.

    If you have a minute to spare I'd be thrilled if you could share your post at my weekly Say G'Day linky party. This post would be a great addition!

    Best wishes,
    Natasha in Oz

  13. How absolutely beautiful! Whenever I see that bright yellow outside, I know that spring is coming! :)

  14. Cindy. I really need to plant one in my yard. Your arrangements are breathtaking. And I am so happy to see that you did not cut it like a shrub! Wonderful post! Pinning!

  15. Love your forsythia--it looks gorgeous in all three vases. Just beautiful.

  16. What a gorgeous forsythia display! Have a wonderful day!

  17. Oh wow, gorgeous. I love your displays. . Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, marty

  18. Simple it.....great job!
    Kathleen The Lavender Bouquet

  19. I am waiting for mine to be ready. My bush needs trimming anyway so as soon as the snow is off enough to clip it back I will be bringing in some branches


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