Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Entry Vignette For Spring

Happy Tuesday!  
I am writing this from 
my hotel room in Atlanta.  
Mr. Beaux has a conference 
to attend and we will be here for a couple of days.  
Could someone please turn the heat up a little?  
We were here last in January 
and it was bitter cold then too!  
Hmmmm, maybe this is a pattern.  
Maybe I won't be allowed back for another visit...

Well nevertheless, it is cozy in my hotel room 
and quiet too!  
I love having this time to concentrate 
on things without any distractions.  
I have everything I need... 
Laptop, coffee, lots of pillows!  
And oh yeah, 
I'm getting breakfast in bed tomorrow... 
This is exactly what I need!  
It was getting crazy at home.  
I am getting ready for our 
annual subdivision yard sale this weekend.  
I haven't participated in forever!  
But I have sooooooooo much stuff 
that I am dying to get rid of 
and send off to a better home than my storage area.  
And Miss Beaux is getting ready for Prom... 
Such a fun time!  
I managed to take a few pictures 
around the house 
of things that have been changed around for Spring.  
I figured that I would be able 
to do the editing and posting while I was here...  
I created a whole new Entry Vignette 
this weekend while it was raining and storming.  
OK, here is what actually happened... 
I was cleaning out my office 
and I had a million magazines piled up.  
Does that happen to you?  
I absolutely cannot throw them out 
until I flip through them!  
I have a little OCD in that area.  
Magazines and Junk Mail.  
Mr. Beaux and I have actually 
had fights about this (of all the silly things).  
So, I was flipping through a magazine 
and saw a dining room spread 
where they had two large urns on the table.  
WELL... My urns had made it out of the bedroom 
onto the Entry Table,
why not move them to the Dining Room table?  
Which of course left the Entry Table bare...  
It's always a constant switcheroo around here!  
So, while I was cleaning out the storage area 
I brought out a few things 
to display on the Entry Chest.  
I love displaying these blue glass bottles in the summer.  
I ordered them from OKL a few years ago.  
I actually saw a huge vintage one 
at an Estate Sale a few weeks ago.  
Can you believe they wanted $120.00?  
Too much for me!  
Another lifelike faux fern from Nell Hills 
that I elevated on some faux books.  
I even put some potting soil 
in the urn to make it look realistic.  
I hope no one waters it while I'm gone...  
A little white Spring bird 
and my sweet butterfly dish.  
I like to have a dish out 
that I can put candy in if guests are coming over.  
Also, by habit of being a stager 
I like to have a dish out 
at my client's homes for business cards...
My Bouillotte lamp came back out.  
I really missed it!  
It has a wonky shade 
that I need to get around to fixing.  
It is crooked because it is missing 
a washer type thingy on the top.  
Right now there is a pink paper clip 
trying to straighten it out.  
Secrets revealed!  
Entry Vignette Spring 2014!  
Hurry, look now before it changes...  
I'll show you in the next post 
how the Urns look on the Dining table.  

Have a great week!  
Until Next Time,
Beaux R'eves

Sharing at:

Savvy Southern Style
Swing Into Spring Wednesday @ DIY by Design 
Vintage Inspiration Friday @ Common Ground
Home Sweet Home @ The Charm of Home
French Country Cottage
Treasure Hunt Thursday @ From My Front Porch To Yours

What We Accomplished Wednesday @ Green Willow Pond 


  1. Cindy- it looks wonderful!

    Wow- prom, that is suc h a right of passage - hope they have nice weather.

    It actually snowd 2 inches here in mid-Ohio this morning. Ugh.

    Enjoy your "spoil myself" get-away, you have earned it!

    Wishing you lots of success at your garage sale.

    Happy Easter, happy spring.

  2. What a wonderful entry vignette, it's perfect! Great changes always make for lots of fun. Oh my, love the quiet time to be alone and just do what I want when we use to travel for business! Hotel time, the best and you used yours for good use! Good luck with your sale, it's going to feel so good to be rid of stuff! Prom time, it's that time of year, how nice is that!!
    Happy Easter,

  3. You are here?! Darn, wish we had time to meet. One day we will. Love the vignette and that lamp.

  4. Nice entry changes, Cindy. I always love a bouillotte lamp!

  5. Beautiful vignette Cindy. I love the glass urns and that's a great tip to put dirt in a faux plant to make it look more real!
    Blessings, Deborah

  6. I am new following you and love it! Enjoying your posts!

  7. It looks beautiful Cindy! I thought I was the only one on the planet that was a magazine hoarder! I never see piles of magazines in any ones' blogs so I thought it must be me.

  8. It's just so classy and I love it!

  9. Love this vignette and that mirror is beautiful. In NJ it went from summer to cold in one day. This winter is never ending.


  10. Very pretty, Cindy! I love that fern and the urn it is in. I have a little urn at my booth {which I'm closing at the end of the month} and I have plans to bring it home and use it here.

  11. Whoever set up that estate sale must have recently been to Pottery Barn. PB wants that kind of money for those glass bottles, too. Crazy!!!

    Shoot! I wish I knew where you live! I'd come by to root through your castoffs! Our neighborhood garage sale started today and goes through tomorrow, but I'm not participating this time around. There's nothing I want to say au revoir to at this moment. Since the weather is so nice, though, I might just take my big hips out and walk the neighborhood in search of bargains then bring the car around later to pick them up. You got GREAT weather for your sale this weekend!!!

    I'll be in your shoes next weekend, except in San Antonio. I'm hoping to be able to catch up on a lot of stuff in the hotel room during the day while Ramon is doing his medical conference thing.

    Have a great Easter weekend!


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