Tuesday, March 18, 2014

I Went A Little Pillow Crazy!

I decided it was time 
to spruce up the sectional 
in the Great Room
while I was up here 
in our Mountain Home.  
The girls and I went to Target 
yesterday and they were having 
a buy one get one 50% off sale.  
Here is how it looked Before.  
I liked the pillows, 
but they were ages old 
and because we rent out the house 
to vacationers, 
I really wanted pillows 
that could be washed easily.  
They are a bit dated and definitely dirty!  
It is very important, 
we have learned, 
to have washable, 
inexpensive things,
and also non breakable accessories!  
 So, this was my first try.  
Of course the sectional 
is large 
but I was trying to consolidate 
the pillows to show you in a smaller frame. 

The coral pillows aren't really that orange.  
More like this!  
So I liked them all together.  
I felt it was a fresher look, 
but I thought maybe 
the green was a bit too vibrant.  
So, on my way home from getting my tire fixed 
I stopped at Tuesday Morning.  
Yes, I got a flat tire on the drive here, 
stopped at a gas station outside of Limon, 
called AAA,  
they put on the spare 
and we had to order a new tire when we got here.  
but it could have been worse!  
 My original thought was to return 
the two green striped pillows 
and buy another floral pillow at Target.  
But when I stopped at Tuesday Morning 
I found more pillows that I liked.  

OK, now I was just really confused!  
I am lost in Pillow Land!
I found this wider, 
ticking striped pillow and also a new throw.  
You can never have too many blankets up here!  
I liked the softer look.  
But I had also found this sweet bird pillow 
that I wanted to keep.  

So.......  Yep! You guessed it!  
I kept them ALL!  
Can you ever have too many pillows?  
I think NOT!
And they are Jackson approved!  

Until Next Time,
Beaux R'eves,

Sharing at:
Be Inspired Party @ Elizabeth & Co.
Before & After Wednesday @ The Dedicated House
Power Of Paint @ Domestically Speaking

What We Accomplished Wednesday @ Green Willow Pond 
Swing Into Spring Wednesday @ DIY by Design 


  1. No there is no such thing as too many pillows. If there is I would have been locked away ages ago. I love your new pillows. I need the bird pillow.

  2. Love all your new pillows Cindy and love that pretty throw too!! You can never have enough pillows:-)

  3. Very nice! And I love that bird pillow. Jackson is reserving comment for later. lol

  4. Love them especially the coral one. I'm pillowed crazed also with buying covers. I think if I buy one more my family is going to stage an intervention!

  5. I'm glad you kept all the pillows. They really work well together and I adore that bird one! Thank you for sharing at What We Accomplished Wednesdays. Have a lovely week! ~Deborah

  6. Jackson is adorable, that face!!! The pillows are great, I really love them all but the bird one is so pretty and looks so rich. I say you can never have too many pillows but my hubby gives me a hard time so I usually load the bed with pillows, LOL.


  7. NO such thing EVER as too many pillows for me!!! You got some great ones! I'm on the hunt for a few new ones for this Spring and Summer. Never as easily done as said around here. :-( Congrats on making some very wise and wonderful choices...and sorry 'bout that flat tire. Bummer!

  8. The pillows look great on the sofa!...it certainly brightened and updated the area...love that bird pillow...Sorry you had so much trouble with the tire...not a great way to start a vacation!...

  9. The new pillows are so fresh! They're sure to welcome your visitors and encourage them to have a seat.

  10. I'm glad you kept the green ones, just the contrast that you need--I'm a pillow freak as well--it's an easy way to change a look. Well-done!


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