Friday, February 21, 2014

Polishing Copper~The Natural Way

I am so looking forward to the weekend!  
I have a million things I want to get done!  
How about you?
This almost Spring-like weather 
has me in a cleaning frenzy!  
I have collected a few copper pieces 
over the years at Estate Sales and such.  
Not that many pieces really.  
But, down in a box in my storage room 
were a few wonderful and old copper pots 
and molds that belonged to my MIL.  
When she passed away the brothers and sisters 
got together to close the house.  
We told lots of stories as we uncovered 
the many treasures 
that had been hidden away.  
The story of this old copper pot 
had me laughing and crying at the same time.  
On a trip to France, 
she came across this pot 
in an antique store.  
She loved how beat up it was 
and imagined a French Chef 
cooking wonderful meals in it.  
She wanted to bring it home 
and hang it on her pot rack.  
The price was right so she carried it proudly 
back to the hotel room.  
Her bubble was burst when my FIL  
asked her how she was going to get it home!  
It was quite large and wouldn't fit in the suitcase.  
she decided 
that she would 
hand carry it home.
I really don't blame her 
but I have to chuckle 
when I think of her lugging 
it all the way home on the airplane.  
Look at the craftsmanship!  
I just wasn't ready 
until now to bring them out of storage.  
The time just seems right 
now for some reason.  
But they needed to be cleaned.  
So I Googled away 
to find out how to clean them 
with what I had on hand.
Martha said to use Lemon and Course Salt 
but I didn't have any lemons.  
I scrolled down to see the comments 
and people were talking about 
using Vinegar and Salt 
and one woman even said 
that she used a paste of Flour, Salt and Vinegar.  
I had that!
I made the paste...
And started wiping it with a soft colth.
Well, that didn't work!  
So I tried just plain Vinegar and Salt.  
Not too good either.
Off to the store I went! 
Martha said to cut the Lemon 
in half, 
dip it in the Course Salt 
and scrub away.

That really DOES work!  
Why are you always RIGHT!!!
Lots of Lemons 
and elbow grease later... 
I am ready to display my Copper!
Now I just have to figure out where to put it!  
Come back next week 
to see where it ends up.  

Don't forget to follow 
by email, Bloglovin or GFC 
so you won't miss a post!  

Until Next Time,


  1. Oh, Cindy. That looks great all cleaned up. I love the story of her lugging that home with her on the plane. How wonderful that you have the story that is connected to the piece. I wish I had my "collection" of copper back-I gave it to my daughter and it looks like she gave it away. I haven't the heart to ask her- xo Diana

  2. Cindy, my husband has collected copper through the years that he actually uses on a daily basis for cooking. It stays pretty dark, because it's just too much work to keep it polished. I've found the lemon and salt work wonders, but following it up with a copper polish keeps it looking great. Lots of elbow grease!
    Your pieces are charming, and I love the story of how the pot returned home with your MIL. I've hand carried many a treasure that wouldn't fit in the suitcase. I've also been known to buy an extra suitcase to get something home. ;-)
    I look forward to seeing these in their new home.

  3. I love copper. Sweet story about your MIL. You have a nice collection. Great to know about natural ways to accomplish cleaning different things without chemicals. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Cindy, love your copper pots too. I also have been keeping my eye open for them recently at various sales, especially since I pulled my copper molds out if storage last week too. Just like the warm glow of them. Seems right for all seasons. And Sarah, my mom & I had to buy a extra big suitcase on a return trip from AZ after spending 2weeks there for the same reason....but that was back when you could bring a trunk load of luggage & not get charged.

  5. How fun to have that special piece in the collection - and to have found out how to clean them. I wish my MIL had known about the recipe before she used a Brillo pad on my copper kettle (but this was years ago and I've forgiven her). :-)) If only she had had Google back then!

  6. "Martha knows"...Lovely copper Cindy..Love the old pieces...

  7. Wow....this copper 'tutorial' really brought back memories! We had a few copper bottom pots/pans and my job was polish them.....with lemons and salt. I almost forgot about doing that but your article reminded me how beautiful these pans looked when they were finished!

  8. What a beautiful collection of copper…love the story about your MIL!!!

  9. Cindy, your copper pieces are beautiful! I agree that they add such warmth to the home. I have my collection hanging on the front side of my pot rack in the kitchen. They make me smile when I look at! Love copper pots!

  10. Pretty pieces Cindy...can't wait to see where you place them!!

  11. Found you through the Inspire Me Tuesday linkup. I love copper and you have a great collection!


  12. I can totally relate to your blog post. How funny! Thanks! My husband carried a big saucier with a lid on the plane from Paris!! I love copper too, but he is nuts about it, and regrets that new copper cookware is not tin lined any more, even though it is costly to have re-done, he prefers it. I do have a question for you - doesn't the kosher salt scratch the copper? I was just thinking we need to attack the pots!


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