Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Virgo Perfectionism and Silly Things that Clog my Chi

I am a Virgo and therefore a Perfectionist.  
Does that mean that I am perfect?  
Far from it!  
It means that I set excessively high performance standards for myself and sometimes it can really hinder my creativity, productivity and clog my chi... 
Here is an example of how my "perfect" tendencies 
held me back last week.  
While I was busy "glittering" everything during the holidays 
I threw some glitter on these cute little houses from the dollar store.  I would like to give credit to the blog 
that I saw it on but it's a blur now.  
If you remember can you give them a 
shout out in the comments please!  
Here is how they looked before.  
I bought about five and still have a few that I can glam up.
Anyway, my idea was to include them 
in my Kitchen Hearth Room winter decor.  
I thought that they would look great in these 
silver lanterns that I have.  
Something about it wasn't quite right.  
I think they were too small for the lanterns 
so I propped them on top of an overturned glass.  
I really liked the "Idea" of it 
but I wasn't thrilled with the overall result.  
But I put them on the table anyway.
They didn't stay there long.  
Miss Beaux came home from school and commented on them.  
She liked them.  
They were already off of the table by then and onto the built ins on either side of the fireplace.  
I told her the story of how they weren't right for the table 
and I put them there to prove my point.  
She liked them on the table she said.  
I put them in the living room 
just so I didn't have to look at them anymore.  
And there they sat until today.  
But seriously, they have been clogging my chi for a week now!  
I keep walking by thinking "I have to fix those silly things!"  
I haven't been as creative or productive 
as I should have been all because of those little houses!  
(I did paint the guest bathroom this weekend though)
But today I fixed them.  
I put them in my Pottery Barn Cloches.
And they look like they belonged there all along.
And I put one in the Living Room.
And one on the Dining Room Buffet.  
And now to get to the million other things that are clogging my chi! 
 How about you?  
What clogs your chi?
Until Next Time,
Beaux R'eves,
XO Cindy

  linking up to these great parties:
Kim at SavvySouthern Style for Wow Us Wednesdays  

 Judy at DIY by Design

   Roeshel  at DIY Showoff
Stone Gable  Tutorials, Tips, and Tidbits


  1. I am also a Virgo and also a perfectionist. I don't think I would have lasted a week though with something I just didn't think was right. My sister keeps telling me " It's good enough".


  2. I love the glass cloche idea but with all of our earthquakes I'd never feel comfortable around them. So beautiful! Perfect!

  3. You are inspiring me to paint my village. I think I would display it longer if it were white.

    Thanks for sharing!
    God bless....Brooke

    My home and garden site...

    My Vintage Art and Printables site...

  4. From a fellow Virgo, I feel you! Lol! I can't tell you the number of times I have tweaked something, until it felt right. Even if it's in the middle of the night...lol!! Your houses look beautiful; and I think you have found the right places for them!

  5. One more Virgo here! Same thing happen with my daughter, she says is alright, I say not quite!:) They look great under the cloches!

  6. LOL you crack me up Cindy, but I totally get it! I tweak something until it looks just right. They look perfect under those pretty cloches!

  7. You are too funny. I am so not a perfectionist but I do move items about a lot. My BIL is a perfectionist and he makes me crazy. He is retired and recently built a large terraced wall on the back of his house. It took him forever. If I had been married to him I would be in prison now:}

  8. Being another Virgo, Oh how I understand! Yes, you found the perfect fit for those adorable fixer-uppers!Lori

  9. Oh, poor messed up little Cindy! You're a hoot! I love it and I love how your little fiddled with houses turned up! Looks so pretty under the cloche.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  10. The cloche looks amazing. I love decorations that can carry over from Christmas time to winter time. I am definitely going to do this project next year. Great idea.

  11. At least you got the houses inside the cloches. I'd have been thinking about the perfect place to put them for so long that it would be spring already! Blogged chi?

  12. Very pretty, Cindy! Love them in the cloches. Sometimes there is that one project you put together that just doesn't seem quite right. Your solution worked out perfectly.

  13. One more Virgo here so I soooooo get this! Another thing that clogs up my chi is over-thinking decisions concerning purchases. We Virgos aren't typically impulsive people and can have difficulty making decisions. Case in point: I've been obsessing for 3 weeks which model Keurig coffee maker I should buy. Sheesh, I tell myself picking a coffee maker should not be this hard or involved. Even I drive myself crazy sometimes.

  14. So lovely! Perfect in my opinion. I love anything under glass, cloches or otherwise. I wanted to say that I, being a virgo also, completely understand the perfectionalism thing. I declare that it keeps me from being a more productive and creative person than I know I am supposed to be. I am my own worst critic and it is difficult, if not impossible, to achieve that "perfect" stage of a project. Those people who can do something once and call it done amaze me.


  15. I can't remember the blog either and that was a project my daughter and i dd while the grandkids were away for the day...turned out fun time with my daughter...thanks to the blogger that shared it...suek

  16. I too am a Virgo and I understood every word you said in this post. I also have a 'thing' for these little Putz Houses, though I am making mine from scratch...paper and glitter. I have two done and three more to go. I also thought they were great for winter decor! Great Virgo minds think alike.

  17. Your little white and sparkly houses look beautiful in the cloches! I had pinned the idea of painting the inexpensive houses white from Karen at "Shabby Sweet Cottage"...is that where you saw it? I copied her also and used the little houses in my Christmas dining room centerpiece.


  18. well I am almost a year late seeing those pretty little houses..

    reading the comments made me nervous though cause a lot of the folks also visit my blog and now that I'm aware so many of them are virgo's I'll panic right before I hit POST~!

    go easy on me Virgo's.. I am but a Cappie sun /Libra ascend//cancer moon and that means I'm fragile:) sorta

  19. I'm an Aquarius. I'm the same way.

  20. Cindy: Another total perfectionist Virgo here! It has taken me over 8 months to get my great room (somewhat) right till I felt I could really show it on my blog, (theoldefarmhouse.blogspot.com and there hasn't been a morning when I haven't gotten up and "tweaked" for a hour or more."If I move this just an inch or so..." seems to be my mantra...
    Your little painted houses are absolutely darling...I want to do that, too, but already have a small Dept. 56 Village...two villages??? Hmmm!
    Love your blog posts...

  21. So how do you do this. Do you spray paint it and then sprinkle glitter?? They look like some villages I bought from QVC.

  22. Hi Cindy, I clicked this lovely image on Pinterest and here I am, 6 years later?!?! Proves that a true thing of beauty is beautiful forever. I have always thought that all beautiful vignettes, treasures or keepsakes become instantly enchanted when placed under a cloche. Your creativity has proven me correct, once again! I picked up a shoebox full of random Christmas Village buildings at an auction for $1.50, they've been in my storage room for a couple of years waiting for me to be inspired. Thank you for your beautiful inspiration, I'm going to rescue that shoebox from the back of my storage room, right now!


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