Saturday, September 15, 2012

Cabin Fever

While on our way up to our Mountain Cabin
 a few weeks ago I begged we stopped at an antique store that I've been dying to go ever since we have owned our home. We have passed it a million times but we have always either been in a hurry to get up the mountain or in a hurry to get home.  This was the perfect opportunity
 to visit and make my wish list.
  Doesn't it just sound like a great place to find treasures for a mountain home?
How sweet would this be for a coffee table?
I'm dying to have some antique skis to hang up.
Beautiful Beds!
Notice the wonderfully detailed etched window screen behind the bed.
These are hand painted wine bottles from 1880-1900 in crates.  Very cool.  I love that they were on trend with their accessories.
Like these doughbowls,

And this light fixture is an olive basket.
So many beautiful pieces of furniture.
Love these pewter dishes.
And why do these Spode dishes always catch my eye?
I'm going to have to steal this idea!
And speaking of stealing ideas... Does this look familiar?  
No, I didn't buy anything.  
Too out of my price range for the moment.  
But it was fun to look!

Until Next Time
Beaux R'eves
XO Cindy


  1. wow, what a great place! I love that pattern of Spode too, so warm and Autumn-y!!

  2. Olive baskets and dough bowls. Just what I want. hugs, Olive

  3. This looks like I place I would love.


  4. Wish I could browse around with you. Looks wonderful!

  5. What a fun place to visit..glad you finally made it..Love the sled coffee table..

  6. Oh, gosh, Cindy, I saw so many things I'd love to bring home...the pewter dishes, the Spode dinnerware and the doughbowls! What a great place to visit!

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