Thursday, August 23, 2012

A Late Summer Tablescape

I was at the market the other day 
and I bought some beautiful pears.  
They weren't ripe yet so I placed them in a paper bag for a day and when I brought them out they were the most spectacular shade of green and gold and reds and yellows. 
 My favorite colors!
I think I am a late summer early fall kind of girl. 
 I have had these colors in my decorating scheme for as long as I can remember.  
I know that I haven't shown you these dishes yet.
  We bought them on our 25th wedding anniversary trip to Italy.  We stumbled upon a wonderful pottery shop near Amalfi in the town of Positano.  We chose the pattern and they hand painted our Initial on the top of the charger.
I had to wait a long time for them all to ship but it was worth it.  We use them as our everyday dishes and so far only one has broken and one has chipped.  
Today I mixed them with blue and white salad plates from JCP, red plates from Pottery Barn, and napkins from Pottery Barn and JCP.
I love mixing all of the patterns together.  I have an improvised table runner from a scrap of fabric left over from a client's kitchen curtains.  
My butter yellow rooster set usually sits in the kitchen window.  I originally purchased them for a client and then had to order a set for myself.  How does that happen?
My new Ironstone pitcher (an estate sale find)  is filled with pretty sunflowers and other colorful flowers.  Mr. Beaux came home and even commented on this table!  He ate at the island last night because he refused to mess it up.  

Side Note:  If anyone is reading this far down... I have a question.  I suffer from terrible sinus trouble and have for years.  I'm going in again to the ENT and I am researching the new Balloon Sinuplasty.  Has anyone had this?  Or anyone you know?  Anyone else suffer like I do year round?  Please let me know if you have any information.

Until Next Time,
Beaux R'eves,
XO Cindy

I'll be linking up to these wonderful parties:
Cuisine Kathleen's-Let's Dish
Susan's Tablescape Thursday


  1. What a stunning tablescape - it is absolutely GORGEOUS!!!!

  2. Oh I love it and the dishes are stunning. So pretty and how fabulous to have then painted with your initial. Hugs, Marty

  3. Cindy, what a beautiful setting! Your dishes are just gorgeous; and I love the color scheme! What a great mix of patterns and colors!

  4. Gosh I love your dishes from Italy and the ones from JCP! Those yellow roosters have my eye!!
    As far as your balloon sinuplasty, I've heard of it but don't know anyone who's done it. I would have these questions....Has your doctor (or the doctor he may recommend) done a lot of these...and what is the success rate. I have mild sinus problems year round, sometimes it's worse than others but not to the point of relying on medication everyday. It does sound intriguing! Good luck!

  5. Oh, this is so lovely! I love your centerpiece and being a big fan of Roosters, I'm drooling over yours. Your dishes are just gorgeous too! Love it all.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  6. Lovely late summer table. Wonderful colors, and the initialed china is fantastic! What a treasure!
    Thanks for linking to Let's Dish!

    Re sinus. Dh had a surgery years ago where they put a window as they call it. He hasn't had an infection since, but he does use a presc nose spray as soon as he feels one coming on.

    Good luck with it!

  7. Oh, I love your dishes! this is such a fun and pretty table! Visiting from Let's Dish!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. whoops, LOL!! I meant to ask you to come by and join the party! Love this amazing tablescape! The colors are amazing, and what could be better than late summer pears and roosters!

  10. Hi Cindy, your Italian plates are gorgeous and well worth the wait. We have quite the chandelier story here about a chandy we bought while in Florence. I use a Neti Pot every day and while it is kind of yucky I am Have not had a sinus infection in years and used to have three a year. hugs, olive

  11. Everyone here in the East has sinus problems..Wish I had the answer..I'd be rich..I've never known of any of those procedures being helpful for the long haul...Your table is beautiful..Too pretty to eat at??

  12. Cindy, I love the dishes, The colors are beautiful. Your table look's fabulous.

  13. I love your blog and appreciate you. My prayers are with you in your health issues and pray for you to feel better. Nancy Carr, Vieques, Puerto Rico

    1. Thanks Nancy, you are too sweet! Wish me luck!
      XO Cindy

  14. Oh wonderful and what happy memories you have of your trip tied in with the china. I love when people put initials on china or flatware. The whole table just looks like summer meeting autumn. Smashing!

  15. Those are my favorite colors too Cindy. Your table looks beautiful! Good luck at the doctor's, I've never heard of that procedure before.

  16. Cindy,
    Love the table scape, all your table scapes are beautiful! I live on a farm and have wanted to buy some ceramic roosters but just have not found some I like well enough at the right I keep looking. I found a set, but they were very expensive. I guess I need to save up for them.

    About your sinus issue, have you tried not having any dairy for about 2 weeks? I started having issues about 20 years ago and after a few years, I didn't drink any milk, (I practically turned into a baby crying for her bottle!, I LOVE milk!)or have anything that was dairy that was not cooked. My problem went away! My hubby has always had sinus issues as long as I have known him, 32 years! and I asked him if he had tried the no milk for two weeks thing like I did, he smiles and says..."Yeeeeesssss"......"And how did that go?" I asked, "It's from milk!" he said! Now for some reason we can drink the milk in Germany and not have any problems...I don't know what it is about the processing of milk in the US, but I was in Germany for 6 weeks this summer and I drank all the milk I wanted and was fine. So I am back home with no milk....:(, but it is worth a try!Good luck to you!

    1. Lanette, Thanks for your kind comments. You name it I've tried it!!! It's more of a drainage issue at this point! Wish me luck!
      XO Cindy

  17. All the colors and textures make a very pretty table. I have your chickens' cousin. I have the one leaning down. Didn't know there was a mate. Really looks good.

  18. What a gorgeous table, Cindy! Your dishes are fabulous and they all mix so well! The table runner is very pretty, too!

    I wish I could help you out with your question...I have terrible problems with my sinuses, too, so I feel for you. I hope you get some answers.


  19. Gorgeous dishes! Love the runner and napkins too! Great tablescape.

  20. Gorgeous photos!! I've had sinus trouble for as long as I can remember, it starts to get worse in the evening between 7:30 or 8:30 PM without fail... strange, but I've dealt with it for a long time. Have lived in 5 different geographic locations, and it's never changed. I've had no procedures done... But I will add, I am not a milk drinker, so that is and was never the cause for me. (Someone posted the milk idea here).

    1. Thanks Leslee! It's annoying to say the least! I am a high energy person and I hate it when the infections get me down wish me luck!
      XO Cindy

  21. Your late summer table is something to crow about! Love the warm colors and layers!

  22. You're right about the season, so ripe, so full of warm color which you show beautifully on your table.

  23. You're tablescape is beautiful! And how special to have those chargers with your initial. About the sinus infection---you say you've tried everything, so I assume you have tried the NetiPot...but I have a friend who suffered terribly with infections and used different medicines and after faithfully using the NetiPot, hasn't had anymore trouble.

  24. Hi, Cindy! I don't know anything about the Balloon Sinuplasty, but my husband probably does. I feel for you. I can only imagine the misery you are suffering. :-( As for your table, I find it to be absolutely exquisite! I love the mix of colors and patterns in both the dishes and the runners, and your new dishes are g-o-r-g-e-o-u-s!!!!!!!! I love how the artisan put your initial on the charger!!! DID that happen that you had to buy a couple of those roosters for yourself? Hmmmmmm....I just can't imagine that! :-) I hope you feel better soon. Try to have a good weekend!

  25. What pretty dishes! And what a wonderful memory of your trip. I love this time of year, too. I am planning a trip in about 3 weeks to an Amish farm near here to pick up some mums in those colors. Unfortunately the soil at my house is not well liked by mums, but I can get big plants each year so I can enjoy the fall colors. I hope your sinus treatments work for you!

  26. What beautiful dishes. I love dishes associated with a special occasion.
    Have you been busy this summer?

    It is still so hot here!

    White Spray Paint

  27. Beautiful dishes with your initial painted on them. Such a beautiful way to remember your anniversary trip. Your centerpiece is perfect with the flowers and roosters. I feel for you with the sinus issues. I have suffered with them ever since we moved to the KC area. I take meds year round but no knowledge on the surgery. Take care.


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