Wednesday, August 27, 2014

It's Official! I am an Empty Nester

 I am now an "Empty Nester"

My middle son moved out 
with his older brother into a house 
not too far away 
and my daughter went off to college 
all in the span of two weeks.  
It all happened so fast!  
It was like ripping off a band-aid for sure!  
When you have children you know 
that someday, the day will come 
when they will branch out and fly the nest.  
Whether they are going off to college, 
moving out on their own for the first time 
or entering the military, 
there will be a day when you sit inside of your house 
and realize that you are all alone.  
This "aloneness" is called Empty Nest Syndrome. 
 According to Psychology Today: 
 Empty Nest Syndrome refers to feelings of depression, 
 sadness, and/or grief experienced by parents and 
caregivers after children come of age and leave their 
childhood homes. 

Hmmmmmm, I can't say that I am experiencing 
any of those feelings...yet! 
I do however realize the quietness in the house.  
Erma Bombeck once wrote an article 
that my mother clipped from the newspaper titled 
"Someday it will be quiet, too quiet".  
I wish I had that article to share with you all, 
but in typical Erma fashion, 
it made you laugh and made you cry.  
I am enjoying all of this quietness right now!  
I am enjoying spending time with Mr. Beaux, 
just the two of us...  
I am so proud of all of my children 
and feel like as parents, 
we have prepared them well for this journey. 
I have a lot of projects planned for the future, 
trips to take and friends to catch up with... 
I am not planning to create any animal outfits quite yet...
But, if I am feeling lonely, 
I do have all of these guys to keep me company.  

All of you Empty Nesters out there... 
How was it for you?  
If you wouldn't mind sharing, 
I would love to hear from you!

Until Next Time,
Beaux R'eves,


  1. Sounds like you are well balanced and have it in hand! The no pet clothes is a good gauge. lol!
    Mine is starting his senior year, my one and only. I might freak a little when he leaves, but I'm saving up for that.

  2. My son passed away at 17 from brain cancer, and then a year and half later, my sweet daughter got married and moved from our home in California to Nebraska. Her husband was in the Air Force. I.Was. A. Mess. a year and half later she was home for good. I have 3 beautiful grandchildren and I am finally able to be happy again. Losing my son was the hardest thing. It took me years to be able to live again.

    I will say one thing. You are never truly done being a parent. For that, I am happy. Enjoy this season of your life. Someday there will be little ones again and you will feel like you have come full circle!!

  3. We love our empty nest! It's wonderful to be able to make spontaneous plans and to travel without worrying about who'll keep the kids. Of course, we are now at the grandparent stage, which is also delightful!

  4. I love my empty nest - and they still come back a lot which makes things fun. My puppy keeps me company too :-)

  5. When our son left for college I still had our daughter to keep me busy. Once she left I realized how my days were being defined so differently. As the years ticked off I started to feel lonely but I just kept looking for ways to be busy. It's a mixed bag of feelings but ultimately you live with the contentment that you did things right and raised healthy independent kids and they've taken their place in life. Now you just have to give yourself permission to do things for yourself and not feel guilty! I still find myself thinking I need to get home around that time school lets out and my kids are 27 and 30!

  6. Hey Cindy, you know, I never experienced it at all. Hubbs and I just really always have a project or something to keep us busy, and I never felt alone or sad. I stay in touch with both my girls by phone or text, but then again, I really enjoy a quiet simple life. LOVE that crazy cat outfit!

  7. Oddly enough, I don't think I experienced that. Yes, I miss the girls; but, I also enjoy having the house exactly the way that I like it. Being an only child, I relish the quiet and being able to do what I want, when I want. We text constantly to stay connected; but, it's also nice to have my life back! Lol!

  8. So funny Liz, I do the same thing when I'm out....look at my watch and think, better get home to fix supper for the kids!!! I missed them right away and then like others........relish the quiet and having everything fixed the way I want and it stays that way!! Also do not miss the confusion and now can always find the scissors, stapler, tape, my favorite blouse and my car gets parked in the garage!!! lol...

  9. Definitely a bittersweet feeling, I keep reminding my husband we can go anywhere or do anything we want, YEAH! But I do miss the girls and we text or talk on the phone almost every day. It was funny when my youngest returned home after college and stayed with us for a few months while doing her internship. She would call us and say, Where are you? When are you coming home?

  10. I had my kids young and became an empty nester at a young age. I grieved very, very deeply I must say, it went from non-stop hustle and bustle to a deafening silence. I also stopped working so that made it even worse! They're all in their 20's now and I'd say it took me about 2 or 3 years to finally be able to fully enjoy myself and appreciate the quiet. The wonderful thing is though, when they come to visit now, we get them all to ourselves! My eldest is coming for a week next month and I can't wait:)

  11. When mine first left (locally) i saw them more than when they still lived in our do the pantry and refrigerator...have me "fix" things: clothes, drapes, etc. It will be fine...

  12. Painful for some – a welcome relief for others. I'm sure my parents were in the last group. I never had any kids so I can't comment on the empty nest thing. I've seen it be very difficult for some people. Don't worry, the grandchildren will be here before you know it.

  13. I must say it was hardest when my youngest went away in another state but we talked daily as she walked to class and I was busy with activities and full time work. Since my brother lived in the same metro area, we made a point to go there or have her come home for thanksgiving. We went up there for a few days too and had fun seeing her roommates and walking her hilly routes to and from classes and the bank etc. I redid her room with her giving me the guidelines and bedding. I was so thrilled to have her around when she came home as a bunch of her Christian buddies did not drink but played games and laughed and talked at our place. Our small home was the hang out place and I'd even get asked to join in the fun for awhile. I think having friends with kids in college helped. And now that both girls are married I think I'm a little more lonesome. Not the close touch like it was...and I'm disabled and cannot go out without someone so I get lonelier. But empty nest? It truly is a part of parenting I was not really prepared for with the first daughter....more tension....but it all works out and quiet soon becomes the norm. Best to you.

  14. It is hard, very hard, but we have to let them go. :) I still have my youngest at home, going through college right now, so not quite an empty nest yet, but when my oldest joined the Navy five years ago, watching him go was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. Would never forget that day at the airport, as he was going to board the plane, he hugged me so hard and whispered in my ear " I love you so much, mom", well, let me just say that by the time he boarded the plane, everyone in line behind us was crying from watching us, even the business man right behind us. :) I guess we have to go through this, now I know how our parents felt. Big hug to you! Maria


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