Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Spring Mantel

OK, I know that I am a little late 
with this according to Blogland 
and that I should be showing 
you an Easter Mantel right about now.  
But, life has a way 
of taking up my time in ways 
that are more important than a Mantel 
which by definition is an 
"ornamental shelf above a fireplace" 
and not a Mantle which is 
"a loose, sleeveless cloak, or something that covers".  
Yes, I looked it up because I am a Virgo 
and I certainly can't publish this without checking first.  
So what important things have I been up to 
besides decorating my mantel?  
Well, I had a staging job today that went well.  
And Miss Beaux got asked to the Prom!  
That will surely be taking up a lot of my time....  
 When I went to Nell Hill's last weekend 
I found these adorable ferns 
that I thought would be perfect 
to put in an apothecary jar 
and place on the mantel.  
They had a round dirt bottom 
with roots and everything 
that made them look so realistic.  
So, I got out all of my apothecary jars 
and cleaned them all up 
and tried to put the first one in 
and it didn't fit!!!  
I was tempted to force it in there 
just to show it who was boss 
but I figured I would break the glass jar.  
I was unable to let the dream die 
so I searched around the house 
for other glass objects for my ferns.  
A cloche and a glass jar would work.  
Then I rounded up some potting soil, 
rocks and moss to make them into little terrariums.  
 I cut a ferm stem from a fake plant 
that I have and placed everything into the jar.
Satisfied with my apothecary jars 
I set about decorating the mantel.  
I wanted a simple theme with only green and white.  
I've had these fern prints for a long time.  
They used to be in different frames 
and I put them into 
black frames for more contrast.  
I wasn't sure if I liked the fern prints 
so I went hunting around for something else.  
This tray was a gift from my BFF 
from guess where?  
Yep, Nell Hill's!  
Love that place!  
I like this arrangement too...  

I will keep it this way for a while...

Until Next Time,
Beaux R'eves,

Sharing at:
 Between Naps On The Porch 
Be Inspired Party @ Elizabeth & Co.
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday @ Coastal Charm
Make it Pretty Monday @ The Dedicated House

What We Accomplished Wednesday @ Green Willow Pond 
Swing Into Spring Wednesday @ DIY by Design 


  1. Your mantle looks those little ferns!!! I haven't been to Nell Hill's in ages, I need to stop in there SOON! LOL

  2. Well done! It looks amazing.

    I kinda love the fern prints too, so you may always go back to that format, looked awesome.

    I never EVER realized that mantle and mantel were spelled differently until this very post. Never noticed EVER.
    Wowm scary. Well I have to go back and change all my old posts now, because I am a Libra and things just have to feel balanced and correct, haha. BUT I am not OCD so it may take awhile when the time is available.

    Nell HIll's - for the win! Nice work!

  3. I love the lightness of the fern prints. I'd use them. I love the mantle design. xo

  4. Just amazing. I love the decor.

  5. Love your Apothecary jars and the tray makes more of a statement than the fern pics..Good job..

  6. I love your spring look on the fireplace and your fireplace is so pretty. I love apothecary jars. I have many of my own, boy I miss my stuff.


  7. Hi Cindy, Neill Hills is always full of inspiration and your take of the ferns in the jar is perfect for a spring mantel. Great tray from your friend.

  8. You could have tipped me over with a feather when I read these ferns are faux!!! What the what?!??!!! Girl, they look so REAL!!! I mean...SO real!!! What a great find! Now I KNOW I have to get my hips up there to Nell Hills!!! I'm glad you didn't force the issue and end up with a broken glass/emergency room visit!!! I have fern artwork that I have decided to move from my office into our living room for a change of pace, and I may have to steal a bit of this creativity!

    Hats off to Miss Beaux for her prom date! Looking forward to pictures!!!

  9. Love how fresh and springlike this looks!

  10. The ferns certainly do look real. I love your beautiful ivory mantel it looks so pretty "cloaked" in the it's beautiful Spring finery! Wonderful job of decorating.

  11. You were so lucky to find those beautiful faux ferns. I love it when I come across really pretty faux plants like that...they always fool my husband. Your mantel looks amazing with the Nell Hill tray. I've never been to her store but have her books. Luckily there are a few stores around here that sell her products so I've gotten a few things.

  12. I love the look of both arrangements pretty!!

  13. OK,....somebody needs to go shopping for me at Nell's...or tell her to open a store in NW Indiana. I never would have know those weren't real!

    I love your Spring-a-fied beautifully. It looks wonderful!

  14. Gorgeous mantel with pure inspiration to place the faux ferns in cloches and apothecary jars...


  15. Love it, Cindy! I'm pinning this! : ) You've used many things I love in your mantel decorating ~ ferns, nests/eggs and glass. I love how you put the ferns in the apothecary jars. I'd love to visit Nell Hill's one day. I have three of the decorating books and refer to them often for ideas and inspiration.

  16. Gorgeous! Love the ferns & tray! Have a great weekend!

    Angela @ Number Fifty-Three

  17. Oh I just love the ferns! I am totally craving green right now!

  18. This is gorgeous! I love your idea of adding faux ferns to the apothecary jars! You have incorporated so many items I love ferns, nests and eggs! I'm off to pin this!

  19. These are fantastic! They look so botanical. Love them!

  20. What a great way to display plants, so much better than them just hanging around. Thank you for sharing it at Fluster's Creative Muster Party, I hope that you'll be joining us again.
    Hugs, Smiles and Blessings.
    Robin @ Fluster Buster


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