Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Some Old Friends are Hanging Around

I'm back to decorating in the Master Bedroom.  
When we were last here 
I had put in new hardwood floors, 
painted a new neutral color, 
painted my side table a Frenchy Blue, 
bought a new headboard, 
all new bedding, 
switched out the lampshades, 
and a sweet little Estate Chair 
came to reside next to my new bench.  
That's a lot of changes!  
Makes me as sleepy 
as that puppy up there on the bed!  
We went to Colorado for some downtime 
which was just the rest I needed to get back at it.   
There is a whole other side of the room 
that I haven't shared with you all.
This is how the room looked  
the massive changes came about.  
See the large window wall?  
I had that cornice made about 11 years ago 
along with the Dupioni Silk side panels.  
We took the cornice down to paint 
and I decided not to hang it back up.
My original plan 
was to order new curtain panels 
for the window 
and re-purpose the old ones somewhere else.   
I started pricing out new panels 
and found that even with my discount 
they were too expensive for now.  
The ceilings are 10 feet in this room 
which makes it hard to buy something off the rack.  
So, I resigned myself 
to using the side panels without the cornice.  
I felt that the cornice 
was making the room look smaller 
and throwing too much gold into the room.  
The only problem was 
that the side panels were on a cheapy drapery rod 
that I would have to replace. 
Remember my cute little Estate Sale chair?  
Well, at that same Model Home Furniture sale 
 I found two heavy duty decorative rods that would be 
perfect for my side panels.  
I couldn't believe that I found them 
at the perfect length with pretty finials and everything.  
I grabbed them and put them on the hold table.  
I have been to a million Estate Sales 
thru this company and I am friendly 
with the lovely ladies that run the sales.  
I was just about ready to check out 
when I saw that my rods had disappeared 
from the hold table!  
OH NO!!!  
And there she was, 
a lady walking around with them in her arms.  
The gals and I worked it all out 
and she felt badly that she didn't realize 
the hold table meant 
"hands off my merchandise"!  

Purchasing four finials, 
four brackets, the pole and the rings 
would have added up to a couple 
of hundred dollars at least!  
I got the poles and the finials for $20.00 each!  
YAY, I love a bargain!

Mr. Beaux hung up the brackets for me.  
We had to buy longer extending brackets 
to clear the Silhouette shades.  
They are the perfect length, just breaking on the floor.  

I love my Silhouette Shades.  
They are perfect for bedrooms 
because you can roll them all the way up 
and they just look like part of the window trim.  

Or you can partially close them 
and still see outside.  
It's kind of a hazy view 
which is soft and romantic.
 Or, you can close them all the way 
and have total privacy.  

So my old friends are staying for now.  
They are the kind of quality 
that you don't find off the rack, 
felt lined, weighted, and 
hand crafted of expensive silk.  
Yep, they can stick around 
until I find the perfect replacement!

Until Next Time,
Beaux R'eves

Sharing at:
Swing Into Spring Wednesday @ DIY by Design 
What We Accomplished Wednesday @ Green Willow Pond


  1. Everything looks stunning. I love the drapes. I was wondering where you got the extended brackets? I am in need of some and I wasn't sure where to look.

    Your house is beautiful

  2. Cindy, the window rods and the finials are gorgeous. Window treatments are so expensive even to purchase off the rack. As you know the bigger the window the more it cost. What a find at your estate sale. Your home is lovely!

  3. Your house is gorgeous..I had those shades in a bedroom tears ago..They're great...Your window treatments are lovely..

  4. Cindy what a great fine, I LOVE those rods and finials. So chunky and pretty for your large room. Love everything you have done in here, what a wonderful retreat!


  5. I think they look beautiful. You are right- there is nothing like real silk, lined and lovely at a window. I think it does look better without the cornice board, too. I took ours down just before I sold our last house. Hope you are having a good time being home again. xo Diana

  6. Love those gorgeous drapes!...and the estate sale pieces is a beauty!


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