Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Valentine White Out

I thought that an all white table 
for Valentine's Day 
was appropriate with all of this 
icy weather 
we are all experiencing.  
I used my favorite 
lace tablecloth 
and mixed in 
gold, silver and 
antique silver candlesticks. 
The gold napkins set off the One King's Lane plates 
embossed with a crown 
and a Fleur-dis-lis on the charger.  
The gold in the flatware 
from World Market 
compliments the gold tones.  
 I was fortunate enough to have our 
house guest take these photos for me!  
You can see Alex's adorable blog here.
To add texture and shine 
I used my favorite goblets 
passed down in our family 
from my great grandmother.  
What is that I see on the left?  
A hint of color?
Purple tulips in a white ironstone pitcher.  
Not the traditional Valentine 
red rose 
but somehow more wistful this time of year.  
The promise of Spring!  
Tulips have a way of deciding 
where they want to go.  
That's what I love about a 
mass arrangement 
like this.  
No planning, 
just plunk them in the pitcher 
and watch them reach 
towards the sun.

My Angel wings from Decor Steals 
have made an unexpected appearance.  

Dessert and tea are set up on the buffet.  
Perhaps the wings 
are guarding 
dessert from my children!  

  I had a heck of a time 
keeping them out 
of the heart shaped, 
chocolate dipped 
shortbread cookies!
But, truth be known, 
I had a hard time 
resisting them 
More tulips in Silver this time.  
A Silver tray 
with sugar and creamer 
and the cookies under glass.
Another Decor Steals goody... 
This beautiful carved tray 
that I gilded with gold.  
Delicate tea cups 
and saucers with gold trim 
await tea time.
I picked up these sweet luncheon napkins 
at the 
Mission Road Antique Mall 
last weekend.  
It was an afternoon date with Mr. Beaux.  
Lunch and a stroll through the Antique Mall.  
That's my idea 
of a fun afternoon! 
I have been saving these Limoges dishes 
for a Spring tablescape 
but somehow they managed 
to sneak into this post.

Hungry yet?

Hope you are spending Valentine's Day with those you Love!
Stay Safe and Warm!

Until Next Time,
Beaux R'eves,

 Between Naps On The Porch 


  1. Wow!! Cindy this is such a beautiful and elegant table setting. Just love it!

  2. Simply BEAUTIFUL!!! Thanks so much for sharing this with us! I would love to PIN. May I?
    Tania at FARRAGOZ

  3. Cindy,
    Simplistic elegance at its finest, dear one!!!
    Your Valentine's Day Tablescape has an ethereal allure about it.
    Intriquing details!!!
    Much, like you, lunch with "Mr.Ed" and a trip to the local Antique Mall is my idea of a perfect afternoon!
    Toss in a "great find", such as your luncheon napkins and I'd say that is a bit of "Heaven on Earth"!
    Visiting from Susan's TT!
    From my~heart~to~yours. . .Happy Valentine's Day!

  4. Thanks Tara, Of course you can Pin anything on my blog. I love Pinterest! Thanks for visiting!

  5. You certainly picked correctly with a White Out Tablescape! Even here in Northern Ohio, we haven't had this much snow since my oldest was in high school - and she is 36 years old now. Your table is so elegant! Just gorgeous.

  6. Beautiful! I love tulips for the same reason. I must get some soon- can't wait for spring! Those limoge dishes are lovely and so are the new napkins. I love it when hubby and I go out together and find a nice treat like that! The tray with the gold tea set is awesome! I'd have a hard time leaving those cookies alone- I'm a cookie lover from long ago! Have a Happy Valentine's Day!

  7. Your table setting is just beautiful! So glad I decided to pop on over. You have been missed!

  8. Oh my is this gorgeous, the dishes are so beautiful from OKL. All of the other dishes are so pretty too. What a collection.


  9. WOW Cindy..very elegant..I used to have a tablecloth like that..Little by little it went the way of my crystal and fine china...Somebody else's turn....

  10. Beautiful! Tulips always add so much to any space you use them.

  11. Elegance! This white translates the feel of romance perfectly with the lovely tablecloth. Your beautiful buffet setting for dessert is to die for. I love the tea set with the gold touch and the heart shape cookies, Hope you will take a peek at my red and white Valentine's table you might enjoy it! Have a great 14th!


  12. You just took romance to new heights!!! This is absolutely gorgeous!!! I love every single detail! I don't think Valentine's Day necessarily has to incorporate red or even pink. It's all about what has that FEEL of romance that counts. The lace tablecloth, the gracefully draping tulips, the crowns, the wings, the fancy details...all of that has that romantic feel that makes this a perfect setting for Valentine's Day. The dessert set up is very, very, very pretty!!! I've only been to that Mission Antique Mall once or twice. I spent so much money there that I was banned by my hubby. What a killjoy! :-) They have so many pretty things, though, you just can't help going wild!

    FABULOUS!!! Enjoy your Valentine's Day and have a great weekend in the above average temps we're supposed to blessed with!!!

  13. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful! And the tablecloth is perfectly pressed--you don't see that every day! :) ~Zuni

  14. Cindy, your table is elegant! I love the candlesticks. I would rather have tulips than roses any day of the week!.I love your dishes too and it's a good thing I am not nearby: those cookies would be gone!

  15. An absolutely exquisite table, full of beautiful details (love, love, love the tablecloth and your "crown' dishes, but it is all beyond description). Bravo!! Rosie @ The Magic Hutch


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