Wednesday, February 26, 2014

I Pulled The Rug Out From Under...So To Speak

As you know, 
a lot has been going on around here this week.  
Progress is being made on the Hardwoods 
in the Master 
and I am still in my Spring Cleaning Mode.  
This weekend we were moving things out 
of the Master so that they could start on the floors 
and also getting ready 
for Sweetheart pictures at our house.  
That means 12+ Kiddos at our house 
AND their parents!  
I was sprucing up the Dining Room 
with some flowers...
I bought these pretty Hydrangeas at Costco.  
I can't wait for mine to bloom this year!  
I am going to try to get some blues going... 
I have some stuff pinned on Pinterest 
so hopefully it will work.  
Anyway, I digress...  
Because we are all dreaming 
of Spring at this point aren't we?  
Oh, right, I was thinking...
that I would really like to move this rug out of the room.  
I wanted a change 
and what better time than when Mr. Beaux 
was in a moving mood.  
These pictures were from 
 when we had our home listed for sale last Spring.  
You can see that the rug matches the stair carpet.  
I needed a large rug 
and the prices were outrageous!  
It was a lot more cost effective 
to have a 9X12 rug made at the carpet store.  
I picked the matching border 
and they bound and backed it with felt.  
I Love the Stair Carpet 
but I was tiring of the rug 
under the dining table.  
I want something lighter.

Mr. Beaux and I started to move the table 
and he tweaked his back!  
Uh Oh!  
I called in Miss Beaux to the rescue 
and we got our furniture movers out 
and the two of us moved the table.  
Mr. Beaux protested the whole time 
but we didn't let him lift a finger.  
All I need is for him to be laid up on my sofa!  
I am really happy right now 
with these bare floors!  
with all of the dust happening 
it is a good thing!  
 There are a few other things on my list 
for this Dining Room.  
First, I am looking for a new Chandelier.  
When we built the house 11 years ago 
I was living in California 
and the Mr. was working here.  
I would have to fly in 
and make all of the decisions 
on the house in a weekend.  
Not having any idea of sources in the area 
I was kinda stuck with what was offered.  
I am so over this bowl fixture!  
But at the time it worked.  
Second, I need to reupholster these chairs. 
I am tired of the pattern.
Mr. Beaux won't let me do it myself!  
I don't have enough time, 
blah, blah, blah, 
I hate it when he is right!  
 At least it is not a long list!  
As you can see, 
I am still practicing my photo skills 
trying to capture what is outside 
while still taking a good interior photo.  
How am I doing?  

Until Next Time,
Beaux R'eves


  1. Cindy, I love the bare floor instead of the dark rug. So nice and airy. I love your floor anyway.

  2. Love the look of the bare floor Cindy! Your photos look wonderful!!

  3. I like the bare floors as well Cindy..I think my favorite flowers are Hydrangeas..It doesn't take too many to make a nice bouquet..I hope Mr Beauxs' back is feeling better..

  4. Wow, gorgeous dining room....I love the rug but I totally understand about wanting a change and to lighten things up. It is going to be gorgeous because you have great bones in that room. Can't wait to see what happens next!

  5. I know exactly what you mean about having a rug made from carpet. When I was re-doing my kitchen, I could not find the perfect rug, but wall-to-wall carpet comes in so many designs!! I had the perfect one made and still love it. Your dining space is gorgeous, but I do understand about wanting changes, especially this time of the year!

  6. Beautiful home! The dining looks fabulous with or without a rug. Your table looks beautiful and I love the hydrangeas. Your flooring is stunning! Looks like you are getting it figured out about taking pictures the way you want. I experiment with the manual setting on my camera a lot to get the desired look and I'm guessing that's what you are doing. We have so much white outside that it's nearly impossible to get the outside to show up without the inside looking dark.

  7. I REALLY like the beautiful floor showing and can see that the rug was dark. We have been saying that we SHOULD have done hardwoods in our master too, so we will probably do that one day. I also like the way you positioned the chairs. Have a great weekend, we go to SETTLEMENT tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. If I had a floor that lovely, there is no way I would cover it either. It's all just beautiful. (And I agree about those chairs. The first one wouldn't kill you, but there is a SET of them. Hate it when men are right. )

  9. Beautiful. I need to get inspired to spring clean.
    Sherry p


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