Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Blog Redesign


I'm Sooooooo Excited about 2013!  
So many great things happening!  
And one of those things just happened TODAY!!!  
The Re-Design of my blog.  
It was about time for me to revamp 
and rethink my blog design, 
so I started looking at other blogs 
and who was doing the "behind the scenes" work.  
I was especially impressed with Barb's new look over at  
so I contacted the Blog designers over at 
Oh My Gosh!  
It was just toooooooo Easy!  
Shari was so great to work with and so much fun!  
I couldn't be happier.  
So, I hope you enjoy my new "Look".  
It's a work in progress, so be patient while we fine tune it 
and look forward to more fun and excitement in 2013!


  1. How exciting! It looks fabulous! I'm excited to see more!


  2. Love it, Cindy! Change is always exciting. Your blog is beautiful!

  3. Love the new look, very clean, neat and precise!!!

  4. They did a great job on your redesign! How exciting for you to have everything new and fresh for 2013.

  5. You new look is great! My blog is still in the infant stages. Thanks for the info on the designer.

  6. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your new look. They did an awesome job. I actually saw it yesterday and came back today to ask you if you did it yourself. It really looks extremely professional. Also, your photos are among the best out there. What type of camera do you use? How do you get such stunning indoor photos. I'd appreciate anything you can tell me. I've been blogging for two years and photos are something I really am trying to upgrade the look of on my blog. Thanks.

  7. Your blog looks fabulous, Cindy! Have a great week. xx, Sherry


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