Monday, July 2, 2012

Road Trip to the Charles Faudree Shop

Happy Monday Everyone!  
On Saturday I went on a road trip to Tulsa and was able to visit the Charles Faudree shop.   The main purpose of the trip was to pick up a couple of rescue puppies with my BFF.  Her sweet little Westie passed away earlier this year and it was time to find a new pup.  As fate would have it, she found TWO precious guys in need of resucing; A Westie and a Scottie.  How perfect is that? 
I have every book that Charles Faudree has written.  
They are the Bibles of French Country design in my opinion. All of the pictures were taken with my phone so please excuse.  I feel awkward sometimes marching into a store  
with my big camera! 
I saw this table when I first walked into the store. 
 I loved the fabric covering and the nailhead trim.  
This would be perfect for a table whose finish
 is less than perfect.
Here is another example.  I really want to try this now.
 Beautiful painted chest.  The top is a faux marble. 
 LOVE the hardware...
I'm making this my new screensaver...
Everything was so beautiful.
I didn't dare look at the price on this exquisite chair.  

Homage to the Blue and White.
I don't know that I need this but I kinda want it anyway!
Look at this cutie! 
 Is this the French Country Disney version of the
 Pirates of the Caribbean?  
He is holding the keys to the ???  
Wine Cellar???
Here on this table were the ONLY things I could afford!  T
he cute little jars were $25.00 apiece. 
 I didn't buy anything but it sure was fun to visit.  

And here are the two fellas responsible
 for our little jaunt to Tulsa! 
 Aren't they the cutest?  
We were able to squeeze in two other antique/design shops that I am dying to show you but there were
 too many pictures for this post.  
So, look for them this week because they were both Outstanding !!!
Thanks for coming along on my trip
 to the Charles Faudree Shop!

Until Next Time,
Beaux R'eves,
XO Cindy

Sharing at:
  Marty at A Stroll Thru Life for Tabletop Tuesday
Kim at Savvy Southern Style for Wow Us Wednesdays
Judy at DIY by Design



  1. Charles Faudree is definitely one of our state's treasures. Thanks for inviting us along on the puppy retrieval trip. Cherry Kay

  2. Oh I love everything and I have all of his books too. Fabulous. The puppies are precious. Hugs, Marty

  3. Oh I am so jealous that you got to go to his incredible shop! Everything is so beautiful and I love the idea of the fabric covered table top with nail head trim. I want to try that too! Thanks for sharing your fun with us Cindy! :-)

  4. Pardon me while I slobber all over this post. I would have no doubt that I would make a slobbering fool of myself if I were to go in his shop. I might even be asked to leave. :-D Kicking and screaming, no doubt. haha I saw at a few thousand dollars of CF lovelies I would bring home with me if I had carte blanche on my credit card. How fun. TFS

  5. Lucky you to be able to visit a Charles Faudree shop! I think I own all of his books too! Those pups are sooooo sweet!!!

  6. Love the painted chest.Could never do it myself..I wish...Darling puppies..Glad she got two..I hope she is!!

  7. That chair IS exquisite! Those puppies are tooooo cute!

  8. How lucky to have gone. I loved seeing the painted chest.


  9. I, too, have all of his books, and would love to visit his shop. Lucky you! And the pups are pretty cute too. A matched set.

  10. That distressed gray secretary has my heart!

  11. Oh, lucky you to visit my favorite designer's shop. I have all his books, too. Those puppies are precious. So good of her to get rescue dogs.

  12. Cindy, what fun and inspiration. I take my large camera into stores too but I ask permission first. Thanks for showing this store. Olive

  13. I am green with envy! Faudree is my favorite designer and I would love to visit his shop.

  14. Nice! What a great place to visit!

  15. Thanks for giving us a peep too! I know that you enjoyed the shop! And, those puppies are too cute!


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