Sunday, March 25, 2012

Beautiful Day

Happy Sunday Everyone!  

Today has got to be the most beautiful day that we have had ALL year!
I just want to be outside...
So I set my laptop up out on our deck to get this post out.  Then I'm outside playing for the rest of the day.  
This is the view from our deck which looks out over two ponds on the golf course.  You can see that we need to power wash the stone patio before the creeping moss starts to come back.  The wind always blows trash too from the whole neighborhood down to the end of our cul-d-sac.  
The crab-apple trees are blooming!  Their pink blossoms are always my favorite.  Some years they just get to blooming and the darn wind comes and blows them to bits.  Not today though.
The willows are just starting to leaf up.  Come summertime you won't even be able to see the pond through all the leaves.  We were here when they planted the trees.  I can't believe how much they have grown in 10 years!
My son's dog Donny helping me survey the work that needs to be done.  Of course MY dogs just laid up on the deck looking though the slats.  Lazy dogs!
I did manage to plant some pansies yesterday in the front of the house.  I don't think we are quite ready for flowers yet.  You never know when the weather will turn.  Had to douse these guys with some Miracle Grow.  They spent too long in their pots as it rained for a week last week.
 But the rain sure made everything green and bloom!  Look at my Lilac bushes out front.  They smell wonderful.

Come back tomorrow and I'll show you how Miss Beaux and I made these cute Tea Cup candles during one of the rainy days.  

Going out to enjoy this spectacular day!
Hope you Sunday is as wonderful!
Until Next Time,
Beaux R'eves
XO Cindy


  1. What a beautiful view from your deck. I love a good view. Something so relaxing about it.

  2. Cindy,

    You really have an amazing view! I laughed out loud seeing your laptop outside, now that's the way to blog on the good days - outdoors!

  3. Oh goodness! Your view from your deck is beautiful, I love the view of the lake through the willows. It's gorgeous here, too. We had some nice rain that knocked down a lot of the pollen and washed everything.

  4. I envy you your beautiful deck view. Are you REALLY going to power wash the moss off? I love it growing between stones. Wish I had that too. Enjoy the gorgeous day!!!

  5. Your views are spectacular. I'm definitely an outdoor person. Enjoy the view - it's gorgeous.

  6. Cindy,
    You back yard is beautiful! I'd hang outside all day too!
    dee dee

  7. Such a beautiful property! I really have to get a laptop so I can blog outside. ~ Maureen

  8. What a beautiful and amazing view you have!!! Our Lilacs are budding but no blooms yet!

  9. It has been a beautiful day, I got out for a while and took some of the pictures for my post. My husband mowed Saturday and Sunday, part of the yard was too wet Saturday. It is so refreshing to be outside. Your view is wonderful and my Lilacs are close to blooming.

  10. What a beautiful view you have to enjoy from your deck!
    Mary Alice

  11. Your crab apple trees and lilacs are beautiful. You must be south of as my Miss Kim lilac is just in bud, but if the weather stays warm they should be blooming..hopefully this week. Your reminded me...I need to get some Miracle Grow.Love your view from your deck. I'd be out there all the time.

  12. Oh how lovely! Isn't it great to be able to get outside and embrace spring! I did some light gardening this week, right before the rain. I've so got to get a laptop so I can enjoy outside also. Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful landscape!


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