Thursday, January 5, 2012

Winter White Buffet

My house feels neglected now that Christmas is over, so I am going through room by room and replenishing what has been ravaged by the Christmas take down.

 Today I worked on my Built in Hutch that is next to our Fridge. 

 Here is what it looked like Before:

 It seems to be a catch-all for clutter, mail and junk.  I've had the stemware in the chicken wire cabinets since we redid the Kitchen (after a flood... that's a whole other long post).  But I was never really happy with it there but didn't do anything about it.  

I thought this Phone Charger Station was a good idea but not one member of the family charges their phone here.  So OUT it goes!

Don't you love a Clean Slate, A Blank Canvas?  

 Here is my Collection of "All Things White".  Some of these were just returned to me by a friend I had them loaned out to.  Do you share things like that?  It makes it fun when you can swap the things you are tired of, when they return they seem brand new!

 I had a Birdcage from Eons ago down in the Basement Storage Area.  OK, one thing I LOVE about the midwest is the Basements!  I could probably make a whole bedroom out of our Storage Area!  Anyway, I painted it white with some paint I had around...

 Here is the finished Product.  I am quite pleased with the look.  

 Tiny projects included:  Painting this plate (that someone had given us a while back) with Chalkboard Paint; Putting Typography Numerals on the Mint Julip white glasses with Modge Podge; Spray Painting the small Bucket behind the Silverware white; repotting the African Violet into the teacup; and painting the Birdcage.

 I've decided to put corks into the birdcage as nothing else will fit thru the tiny door.  I had better start Drinking!!!

 I tossed my numbered Napkins from my Countdown to New Years Post into the Bucket.  You can view the post by clicking on the link here.  

 I kept my Rooster that I purchased at the Mission Road Antique Mall a while back along with another little Rooster from the Design Center.  The Tole painted piece is actually a cardboard placemat that I picked up at a Consignment Store.  The colors really blend with my Hearth Room Furniture.  At $5.00 I couldn't pass it up!   

My little lovebirds were a great find at a Home Tour Boutique.  I love to go to all the local Home Tours put on by the Woman's Clubs.  So much Fun!  

OK, on to the next Space!

Happy Thursday!

Sharing at 
  My Romantic Home for Show and Tell Friday
  French Country Cottage for Feathered Nest Friday
  2805 for Potpourri Friday
  The Thrifty Groove for Thrifty Things Friday
  Common Ground for Vintage Inspiration Friday
  The Charm of Home for Home Sweet Home Friday

  Finding Fabulous 
  Between Naps on the Porch 
A Stroll Thru Life 
My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia 
Coastal Charm
Ivy and Elephants
Kim at Savvy Southern Style for Wow Us Wednesdays
Sherry at No Minimalist Here for the Open House Party on Thursdays


  1. I love the new look! The white creates a lovely contrast.

  2. Very pretty - love the numbered cups!

  3. Great job!! I have one of those plates... Chalkboard paint, here I come!! Coming over from Finding Fabulous!

  4. My sister and I have passed household items back and forth so many times we can't remember who they originally belonged to! I like the white in the cabinet much better. It really shows it off! ~ Maureen

  5. Hey Cindy...I love the "redecorated" hutch. I have a collection of white dishes, ceramics and pottery. I try not to collect too many things but I cannot pass up a good white piece unless it's one I already have. ;) The roosters are pretty darn cute. I'd say you need to fill up that wine cooler and get busy!!! I have a big jar 1/2 full of corks but I bought a big bag at a thrift store that helped fill it. At least, that's my story! ;)

  6. I'm a sucker for white, Cindy! Love the new and refreshed look in this area. The cabinetry is gorgeous. :-)

  7. Cindy, the hutch looks so pretty with all of your white items! It looks so fresh...totally different! Great idea using the cardboard placemat! It adds just enough color! Very pretty!

  8. Hey Cindy, Your redo looks nice and fresh for the New Year.My favorite is the Violets under glass.

  9. Love it all, Cindy. The birdcage makeover is great. I think I have the same cage and you have inspired me! Lovely.

    Happy weekend,

  10. How pretty. I love the changes that you made, the all white motif really pulls it all together. The cloche is great; I have a terrible time trying to use one. Very cleaver use of the placemat. Have a great day!

  11. What a great idea to fill the bircage with corks! If you fill it all the way up it will look so cool! Your cabinetry is gorgeous, even more so with your beautiful white display!


  12. This is beautiful Cindy! So gorgeous!! I saw at Hobby Lobby or Michaels (one or the other) that they sell bags of corks! Who Knew?

    Love this!

    Lou Cinda

  13. It call looks great Cindy. You have the eye for detail. I am also going through the house and making changes for the new year. Thanks for sharing.

  14. Cindy, I love your home and what you have done...great! I'm following too, so stop by and visit. I love to meet new blog friends. Lori

  15. What a beautiful fresh look! It's gorgeous!

    Thank you for linking this lovely post to Potpourri Friday!

  16. I love it, Cindy! Your white pieces just stand out so great here. Love the whole display and the pieces you painted and added to.

  17. Beautiful! Love the numbers on the silverware cups! dee dee

  18. Love it! The numbers on the cups are great!

    - The Tablescaper

  19. The area looks all dressed for winter with the pretty whites! The # cups are cute and love the menu chalkboard!

  20. Your built-in is fabulous -- and it looks wonderful decorated as you've shown here. LOVE the cups holding the silverware!

  21. Fabulous redo with the whites--gorgeous kitchen area.

  22. Hi, it all looks so lovely! I love your Roosters, I have one white one like yours and a few others perched around my home, they're so welcoming. The hutch looks divine!

  23. What a beautiful piece of furniture. You have her prettied up so nicely.

    What a great idea to swap "stuff".

  24. Oh - its all so fabulous...your hutch is gorgeous! love those numbered cups/napkins ~ so cute! xoxo, tracie

  25. ps - come on over and enter the bracelet giveaway (on my side bar)!

  26. Looks beautiful ... the white is such a fabulous contrast! Thanks for sharing! *Becca* (your neighbor at Tuesday's Treasures)!

  27. Oh my goodness...I have some serious buffet/cabinet envy! :-) It is just so gorgeous and your new decor really adds just the perfect touches. I love your kitchen! Thanks so much for sharing this at Inspiration Friday this past weekend~

  28. This is so pretty, so refreshed. I feel like every surface in our house is a catchall for junk :( Thank for linking!

  29. You know how to ROCK a hutch! Love all the white ceramic animals too!

    Thanks for sharing :)
    Visiting from Coastal Charm's Nifty Thrify Linky Party,
    Suzanne in NW Illinois

  30. The new look is so pretty and refreshing! Love the combination of white accessories!

  31. First, let me say that your hutch is gorgeous, and its beauty is even more accentuated by your display of white items. Love your chalkboard plate and your numbered items!

  32. Looks fabulous! I love the colors of your cabinets!

  33. I love all the white! Your hutch is gorgeous! I'm your newest follower from My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia.

  34. Beautiful! Love it all! Your home is gorgeous!

  35. The new look is gorgeous! I love the grapevine intertwined with the African Violet in the cloche...very pretty!

  36. Great job! I am a big fan of cloches, too.

  37. Every detail looks great! How modest of you to say you repotted the African did a whole lot more by adding the gravevine--that gave it much more interesting texture. The all-white is a great look for that area. ~Zuni

  38. I love the new look of this area! And all your little redo projects turned out great! Thank you for joining TTF last week! I hope you have a great day!

  39. Beautiful! Thank you for linking it to Home Sweet Home!

  40. Hi Cindy! I am dropping back by to let you know that I am featuring this post on this week's TTF party (post will be up today at 4:00)! I hope you drop by and grab the "I was featured" button fr yur blog and I hope you join the party again this week!

  41. Hi Cindy! You are featured today on Potpourri Friday!

  42. Cindy, This is so pretty and I love your cabinets. Thanks for linking to the Open House Party. xo, Sherry

  43. OMGoodness, I LOVE the new look. This is my first visit, but I love what I see, so will be back.I think I have the same birdcage, just a little taller, now I want to paint it! Love the vignette. Great job! XO, Pinky

  44. It looks beautiful! My friend has a lot of roosters in her kitchen. She'd love yours . Hugs and have a happy weekend! I hope you'll stop by Katherines Corner and say hello and enter the Pink Poodle Giveaway too

  45. The white looks so much better than the glassware in the hutch. Now it really pops!


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